Opinion piece by Anthony Jury
Show Some Respect to the Country you’re visiting when a tourist
The recent incident involving the nine Australian men arrested in Malaysia highlights the importance of being well-prepared and showing respect when travelling to foreign countries. Although these men may have thought they were just having harmless fun, their actions were deemed offensive and disrespectful in Malaysia’s culture and laws. This serves as a reminder that we must take the time to research and understand the customs and values of the countries we plan to visit.
It is important to remember that what may be acceptable in our home country may not be viewed the same way elsewhere. Being aware and respectful can help prevent similar misunderstandings from happening in the future. So, before embarking on our travels, let’s do our due diligence and ensure we are well-prepared to fully embrace and respect the cultures and laws of the countries we visit.
Humour varies from culture to culture, and what may be seen as a harmless jest in one country could be considered offensive in another. In Australia, a joke that may be regarded as inappropriate would likely earn a chuckle or a scornful shake of the head from a fellow Aussie. However, in Malaysia, such jokes could lead to severe consequences. Two men were recently caught making inappropriate jokes on a popular app and now face a possible two-year jail term. The incident is an important reminder that while humour is a universal language, it is essential to be mindful of cultural sensitivities and social norms.
When travelling to a foreign land, respecting the customs and following the locals’ rules is essential. Following the adage, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do,” can go a long way in avoiding misunderstandings and even legal troubles. As visitors, it is not our place to judge the customs and rules of other cultures but rather to oblige and obey them. While some countries may be lenient, others can be strict to the extreme.
The recent case of an American student serving a 15-year sentence in North Korea for stealing a political poster from a hotel is a dire reminder of the importance of being mindful of local laws and customs.
The punishments in North Korea are notorious for being excessive, making it imperative for tourists to be extra cautious when travelling to this country. Even the slightest mistake could result in consequences beyond what any ordinary person would expect.
Before visiting, research and learn about the country’s customs and laws. While it may seem strange at first, following the rules will allow travellers to enjoy all the incredible experiences and entertainment North Korea offers. It’s not worth risking the final punishment for something easily avoided with some preparation.
So, always remember to study the rules and customs of a new place and show respect, even if they seem strange compared to what you’re used to back at home.
Though there are risks around every corner, journey forth with confidence and caution to explore the fascinating wonders of our globe. May your travels be safe and full of memorable experiences!

Whether it is Seoul, New York or Sydney, respect the country’s laws and have a great holiday.
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