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Fair Dinkum Traveller

Travelling as an Introvert: Finding Solitude in the World

Opinion by Anthony Jury


I’ve been drawn to travel for as long as I can remember. With its vastness and diversity, the world has always felt like an invitation—an opportunity to step outside the familiar and embrace the unknown. However, as an introvert, I find travel a unique paradox. On the one hand, I thrive in my own space, savouring quiet moments of reflection. On the other hand, I long to explore—whether it’s new cultures, bustling cities, or serene landscapes. The tension between these two desires made me question whether travelling was indeed for me.

However, over time, I’ve understood that travel is not just about the destinations or the people you encounter. It’s about how you, as an individual, perceive and interact with the world. As an introvert, my experience is distinct from others. The crowds, the noise, and the unfamiliarity can sometimes be overwhelming. Yet, I’ve discovered a profound sense of fulfilment in experiencing the world on my terms. I’ve found a way to embrace travel while staying true to my introverted nature.



Travelling as an Introvert

Travelling as an Introvert: Finding Solitude in the World



Solo Travel: Embracing Peaceful Solitude

Solo travel offers a unique sense of liberation, particularly for introverts. It allows me to fully immerse myself in each moment without pressure to engage in constant conversation or keep up with a group’s pace. Instead, I can set my rhythm, whether spending a little longer at a serene viewpoint or exploring a hidden alley in a new city. These solo moments are when I reconnect with myself and the world around me.

Solo travel allows me to embrace the solitude I crave, even in the most crowded places. I can sit in a bustling café and people-watch for hours yet still feel a sense of peaceful detachment. Hundreds of strangers surround me, but I remain grounded in my space and thoughts. One of the greatest joys of solo travel is observing and absorbing, all while maintaining my inner peace and tranquillity as I did on my journey to Bali.

On my solo journeys, I’ve discovered that being an introvert isn’t a barrier to travel; it’s a unique lens through which I see the world. I’ve found comfort in solo hikes through serene landscapes, joy in quiet mornings spent watching the sunrise over a new city, and peace in those moments where it’s just me, my thoughts, and the world. Solo travel allows me to experience the world uniquely from my perspective and in my own time.




Family Travel: Cherishing Close Connections

While solo travel feeds my need for solitude, family travel nourishes a different part of me—the desire for connection with the people who matter most. As an introvert, I often find social situations draining, but when it comes to my family, the dynamic is different. With them, I can be myself fully, without the need to perform or meet social expectations. There’s a comfort in travelling with people who know me so well, where we can share experiences without the pressure of constant interaction.

Travelling with family offers a balance that solo travel sometimes needs to improve. A deep connection comes from sharing a beautiful sunset on a remote beach or exploring a bustling marketplace together. I feel supported and understood in these moments, knowing I don’t always have to be ‘on.’ We can sit in companionable silence, taking in the beauty of a place, or share a laugh over a simple meal without the need for constant conversation. These shared experiences strengthen our bond, and I feel deeply loved and supported.

What I love most about family travel is the shared memories we create. Whether wandering through ancient temples in Southeast Asia or enjoying a quiet afternoon by the water, there’s something gratifying about exploring the world together. These experiences are unique because they’re ours, shaped by our shared moments and quiet family understanding.



Travelling as an Introvert

Hiking in a  Kuala Lumpur rainforest with the family offers a different type of solitude than travelling as an introvert.



A Life Without Travel Is No Life at All

For me, a life without travel is unimaginable. Travel is not just about seeing new places—it’s about discovering new parts of myself. Each destination, whether a sprawling city or a remote village, offers a chance to grow. It allows me to step outside the routines and structures of daily life and immerse myself in something unfamiliar. Travel teaches me to adapt, observe, and embrace the beauty of not knowing what comes next.

While constant movement may seem overwhelming for some introverts, travel allows me to reflect and recharge in ways that daily life often doesn’t. Being in a new place, where the usual rules don’t apply, will enable me to be more in tune with myself. I can take a quiet walk along a deserted beach or sit in the shadow of an ancient monument. In those moments, I find a sense of peace complex to replicate elsewhere.

A life without travel is no life at all. Travel inspires me to keep moving forward and explore the world—not just the world around me but also the world within me. It reminds me that the world is vast and full of possibilities and that there’s always something new to learn and experience, no matter how familiar or unfamiliar the journey.



Seeing Culture, Experiencing Humanity

One of travel’s greatest gifts, especially for an introvert, is the chance to observe the world quietly. While some may dive headfirst into new social situations, I prefer to sit back and watch, absorbing the rhythms of life in a new place. Whether in the heart of a bustling city or a small village, I enjoy observing the subtle details—how people interact, the sounds of daily life, and the colours and textures that make each place unique.

As an introvert, I’ve learned that I don’t need to be the centre of attention to fully experience a place. I feel most connected to the culture around me in quiet moments—watching a local artisan at work, observing children playing in the street, or listening to the sounds of a market. These moments remind me that humanity is beautiful in its diversity, and there’s something to learn from every person and every place.

Travel allows me to experience the world as an observer and a participant. I may not always engage in lively conversations or group activities. Still, I find meaning in the small, quiet interactions that happen along the way. A smile was exchanged with a stranger, and there was a brief moment of eye contact across a crowded square. These moments stay with me, reminding me of the universal connections that bind us all.



Lantau Island attractions

Experience culture worldwide like I did at Lantau Island – Hong Kong.



An Introvert in a Crowd

It might seem contradictory, but I’ve often been surrounded by hundreds of people while feeling perfectly content with my introversion. Whether amid a crowded market in Thailand or standing shoulder to shoulder with tourists in Myeongdong, Seoul, I’ve learned to find peace within myself, even when the world around me is quiet.

As an introvert, I’ve developed a sort of inner sanctuary—a space within me where I can retreat, even when physically surrounded by others. It’s not about isolation but finding stillness amidst the chaos. Travel has taught me that I don’t need to avoid crowds or busy places; I need to carry that inner quiet. In doing so, I can appreciate the energy and vibrancy of a place without feeling overwhelmed by it.

Some of my most memorable travel experiences have happened in the heart of busy cities or crowded events. I’ve learned to find balance—to enjoy the excitement and energy of a new place while also allowing me to step away and recharge when needed. It’s a delicate dance I’ve come to appreciate as part of my travel journey.




Conclusion: Finding Myself Through Travel

Travel, for me, is more than just a way to see the world—it’s a way to discover myself. It’s taught me that being an introvert doesn’t limit my experiences; it enhances them. Whether exploring solo, with family or navigating the crowds of a foreign city, I’ve learned to embrace the beauty of the journey while staying true to who I am. I seek out those quiet moments amidst the adventure where I can pause, reflect, and truly connect with myself and the places I visit.

Travel isn’t just about the destinations but the journey within. It’s about finding peace in the world around me and discovering the stillness within. And as an introvert, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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Travelling as an Introvert

Cheers to travelling as an introvert and seeing the world.

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