How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling

How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling

how to hide money while travelling

How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling


Whether you’re looking forward to navigating a new cityscape or finding paradise on a distant beach, your next vacation will be the perfect opportunity to break away from your everyday routine and soak in memorable new sights. But as you pack your bags and plan your itinerary, you may worry about staying fit while you’re in a different town or country. 

It’s a valid concern, especially if you’re particular about your fitness goals. For one, you may not be able to follow your usual gym schedule. It’s also easy to overindulge in dishes from a delectable new cuisine when you’re far from home. 

But just because you’re travelling and taking a break from your routine at home doesn’t mean you have to choose between enjoyment and discipline. Here’s how you can explore the world while staying true to your fitness goals: 


How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling

How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling.



1) Research Your Fitness Options Before Your Departure

First, before you even step out the door, take some time to look into what your destination has to offer in terms of exercise options. A quick search can reveal whether your hotel has a gym, a park nearby perfect for morning jogs, or if the beach is just suitable for a swim.

You can also consider pre-booking classes or sessions at local studios to keep you committed to your fitness goals while allowing yourself to try something new. Think of this step as creating a travel itinerary for your health–it’s one part of your trip you wouldn’t want to skip.


2) Stay Connected with Fitness Apps

Utilising technology can help you maintain your fitness routine while you’re away. With the wealth of fitness apps available, you can easily track your progress, set workout reminders, and get personalised exercise recommendations. 

You can also find an app that provides step-by-step guides for particular exercise forms, making it easy to maintain proper form and technique even without in-person instruction. If these apps require data or a connection to the internet, in most countries, that won’t be a problem. If you’re headed to the Lion City, for example, you can look into the best SIM only plan Singapore travellers also use to ensure you stay committed to your exercises wherever you are in SG. 


3) Set Practical Fitness Targets

Being realistic about what you can achieve while travelling is also necessary. Your usual hour-long gym session might not always fit into a day packed with activities. Instead, set smaller, more achievable goals like a quick morning stretch or a brisk evening walk. These targets shouldn’t stress you out; they’re there to keep you moving. 

The aim is to enjoy your trip without feeling too guilty about not keeping up with a stringent fitness schedule. Don’t pressure yourself too much, and adjust your exercise routine to the rest of your itinerary. 


How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling

Set practical fitness goals when out and about.



4) Transform Sightseeing into a Workout

Touring a new city or countryside on foot will promise you a more intimate travel experience and raise those step counts. To help you stay active during your trip, try opting for a walking tour rather than a bus tour if you want to visit sights and tourist spots in the area. You can also rent a bike to cover more ground in your location while getting your heart rate up. 

A hike can be a great way to enjoy the scenery while challenging your body if you’re near a mountain or natural park. Every step, pedal, or hike is an opportunity to stay active and immerse yourself more deeply into the place you’re visiting.


5) Join Community Fitness Events

Participating in local exercise classes or community sports is a great way to keep up with your fitness while travelling. It can be a yoga class in a city park, a local running club, or a dance class.

Activities like these will allow you to connect with locals and other travellers. Not only do you get to stay active, but you’ll also get firsthand experience of the local culture of the city or country you’re travelling to. Check out community boards, local websites, or social media groups to find such events during your stay. 


6) Turn to Body Weight Exercises

The resourceful traveller doesn’t need bulky or fancy equipment to keep their fitness levels in check. Simple bodyweight exercises are a traveller’s best friend. Push-ups, planks, squats, and lunges can be done anywhere, like a hotel room or even a secluded corner of the airport. 

You can set a goal for a mini-workout each day before you head out and explore. Even 15 to 20 minutes of low-intensity cardio can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the rest of the day. Remember, it’s all about being consistent and using whatever resources are available.


bodyweight exercises for travel

Find the space if you can and conduct basic bodyweight exercises for travel.



7) Consume Wholesome Foods on the Go


Finally, staying fit isn’t just about exercise—it’s also about fuelling your body with proper nutrients. While travelling, try to make healthy food choices when you can. This doesn’t mean you have to forego the pleasures of local cuisine—balance it out with the most beneficial options. 

Don’t hold yourself back from enjoying pasta in Italy or pastries in France, but also add the fresh fruits, vegetables, and proteins available locally. Look for accommodations with a kitchenette or a fridge to store healthy snacks and perhaps prepare a simple, nutritious breakfast or lunch now and then.


Time to Integrate Wellness into Your Wanderlust

Even travelling, you can stay fit by integrating exercise into your more comprehensive itinerary. Fitness can be a seamless and enjoyable part of any travel experience and contributes to your physical health and memories of a beautiful trip.


How to Stay on Top of Your Fitness Goals While Travelling

Follow a few essential tips on how to stay on top of your fitness goals while travelling.

Keep it Green: Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Travelling

Keep it Green: Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Travelling

Are you the type of traveller who wishes to keep it green on your adventure; here is how to keep Your Sustainability Values When Travelling.


As travellers, we’re often excited to explore new places and discover new cultures. But it’s important to remember that our actions can significantly impact the environment and the local communities we visit.

This is where sustainability values when travelling come into play. By making conscious choices about transportation, accommodations, food, and activities, we can minimize our ecological footprint and support economic development in the areas we visit.

Sustainable travel is a growing movement, and there are plenty of ways to stay true to your values while still experiencing all the world’s excitement and adventure. So, let’s explore some essential tips and tricks for keeping it green while travelling and positively impacting the places we visit.

Additionally, we can extend our knowledge and understanding of local customs and traditions, fostering deeper connections with the people and places we encounter. Embracing the local culture and engaging in responsible tourism practices allows us to contribute to preserving natural and cultural heritage for future generations.



Sustainability Values When Travelling

Keep it Green: Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Travelling.



Keep it Green: Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Traveling.

Travelling allows us to explore magical new horizons, immerse ourselves in the beauty of diverse cultures, and create many lasting memories; it’s often a time of focusing intently on what we want, how we feel, and generally enjoying ourselves to the max. Still, as we traverse this glorious globe of ours, it’s essential to consider the impact our travelling can have on the environment and the local communities we visit. 

Sustainable travel is a growing movement that seeks to minimize our ecological footprint while promoting cultural appreciation and economic development. Here, we’ll delve into some key ways to stay true to your sustainability values while adventuring, ensuring that our travels are both exciting, enjoyable and eco-conscious.



Choosing Conscious Accommodation

Selecting suitable accommodation can substantially impact your globetrotting sustainability efforts. 

Look for hotels or eco-lodges that boast green certifications or have sustainable practices in place. Bright green initiatives, such as energy-efficient lighting, water-saving measures, recycling programs, and prioritizing locally sourced, organic food options, are a fantastic start when choosing eco-friendly digs.

An even more culturally experiential option to consider is to explore the growing trend of eco-tourism and community-based tourism. These initiatives often involve staying with local families or within eco-villages, giving travellers a unique opportunity to contribute directly to the local community’s well-being while immersively learning about their way of life.



Choosing Safe Accommodation

Security and sustainability should be two-peas-in-a-green-pod when it comes to selecting accommodation. It may not seem like an obvious correlation, but opting for hotels or eco-lodges prioritising guest safety and environmental preservation ensures that your stay supports responsible practices. 

Seek accommodations with quality security measures, such as hotel security camera systems, well-trained staff, and sound emergency procedures. Additionally, look to places that promote eco-friendly initiatives; renewable energy usage, an emphasis on waste reduction, and water conservation measures are significant signs that a business takes pride in its management choices.

By supporting establishments that combine safety and sustainability, you not only protect yourself but contribute to preserving the local environment and culture; stick to places that are mindfully and responsibly run, even more importantly when travelling alone.



Eco-Friendly Transportation

One of the most significant contributors to a traveller’s carbon footprint is the physical travelling itself. Opting for greener modes of travel can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your moseying around.

Whenever possible, for shorter distances, stick to trains or buses over fuel-hungry planes; trains have a lower carbon footprint per passenger mile and often offer scenic routes that give travelers a fat minute to appreciate the natural beauty of the journey truly



A Conclusion to Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Travelling

The importance of sustainability values when travelling cannot be overstated. Combining responsible travel practices with the awareness of our environmental footprint can go a long way in preserving the unique places we visit and conserving resources for future generations.

Sustainable practices that result in minimal waste and energy conservation, such as making wise choices about what you buy or eat, or learning about the culture you are visiting before arriving, are just some of the ways to make a positive impact on the planet while travelling.

Additionally, considering offsetting your carbon emissions through organizations dedicated to reducing their environmental impact is a worthy endeavour that can help reduce climate change caused by air travel.

By prioritizing sustainability values when travelling, we can all work together to ensure our journeys are enjoyable and beneficial for our planet.



Sustainability Values When Travelling

Sticking to Your Sustainability Values When Travelling is easy as your think when travelling the globe.

Valuable Tips For Staying Hydrated During Travel

Valuable Tips For Staying Hydrated During Travel

travel water bottle

Travelling can be a tiring experience, and ensuring you’re staying hydrated during travel is essential to avoid feeling run down. Slow-paced meals on journeys and aeroplane air may cause dehydration if not handled with attention.

Knowing this, staying healthy and maintaining energy levels during travel should be top of mind. Drinking water routinely throughout the day is one of the best ways to ensure your body stays hydrated, so your adventurous spirit never wavers!

By bringing along a bottle of water with you, the most tedious leg of any voyage will become much more bearable. Remember that remaining hydrated is key whenever life takes us on a journey – but staying positive amid discoveries always helps!

When you’re on the go, it’s easy to get dehydrated. Here are some tips to ensure you’re staying hydrated during travel.    


 Tips For Staying Hydrated During Travel

Valuable Tips For Staying Hydrated During Travel begins with drinking more water.


Valuable Tips For Staying Hydrated During Travel 

When travelling, it can be easy to forget the basics – like staying hydrated! But just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you should neglect your health. Let’s look at why it’s essential to stay hydrated during travel and what steps you can take to ensure that you stay healthy and refreshed throughout your journey! 


It’s essential to drink plenty of water while travelling, especially if you’re in a hot climate.

Staying hydrated is essential to any journey, especially if venturing into a hotter climate. Drinking plenty of water while travelling helps ensure your body has the fluids to function adequately and stay healthy.

In addition, dehydration can lead to common side effects such as headaches, impaired cognitive function, decreased metabolism and dehydration-induced fatigue. All these can make a travel experience much less enjoyable; this doesn’t mean you have to have a water bottle in your hand at all times but instead, be mindful about drinking water throughout the day.

Above all, remember the importance of staying well-hydrated on your travels; your body will thank you for it!


Plan Ahead – You’ll be glad you have!

When planning to travel the world, it can be challenging to remember all the necessary details needed for a successful trip. One essential element of your plans is knowing where to find clean drinking water when needed.

Before leaving for your adventure, research what public drinking fountains and convenience stores are nearby; that way, you can easily access vital resources at all times. With this knowledge tucked safely in your memory or written down somewhere handy, you’ll never have to worry about dehydrating while on the go.

Travelling with an adequate water supply is a great way to stay safe, healthy, and enthusiastic during your adventures!


Carry a reusable water bottle with you so you can fill it up when you need to

The best way to ensure that you stay hydrated while travelling is by packing a reusable water bottle and filling it up wherever you go. This way, you won’t have to worry about buying disposable plastic bottles throughout your trip (which is better for the environment, anyway!).

You’ll want something durable with a leak-proof lid so it won’t spill in your bag or suitcase – stainless steel or aluminium are great options. Additionally, if you tend to forget about refilling regularly, set reminders or alarms on your phone so that it becomes part of your daily routine.  




Drink other fluids as well, such as juice or tea, to stay hydrated

Drinking water is essential to staying healthy and hydrated, but it doesn’t have to be the only fluid you consume throughout the day.

Variety is essential when replenishing your body’s fluids, so try switching out bottled, flat, or tap water for different options like juice or tea.

Juice, in particular, will give you a much-needed energy boost and can come in a range of flavours and be freshly juiced at home if you have a juicer. However, tea offers its health benefits with antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage—in addition to being an enjoyable and relaxing drink.

So stay alert and keep yourself hydrated by exploring the range of different liquids available beyond just water.


Avoid sugary drinks like soda, which will only make you more thirsty.

Another good tip is to try and stick with water as much as possible while travelling- this means avoiding sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks since these are full of empty calories and contain a lot of sugar.

If plain water isn’t doing the trick, try adding some slices of lemon or lime for natural flavour without all the added sugar. Or if plain water still isn’t appealing enough for you even with flavouring, try switching over to infused waters made with natural ingredients like fruit and herbs- there are tons of recipes online that are quick and easy to make!  


Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks. 

With hot summers and spring days, it is natural to reach out for an icy cold beer or a caffeinated drink to keep us feeling relaxed. However, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages may temporarily relieve the scorching heat, but in reality, they could lead us down a dangerous path—dehydration.

This is because alcohol has a diuretic effect on our bodies, meaning that instead of hydration, your body produces more urine, which leads to bodily fluids loss. Caffeine, too, can lead to dehydration by blocking the anti-diuretic hormone responsible for maintaining a balance of water and electrolytes in our bodies.

A healthier option for staying refreshed during hot weather would be to avoid these dehydrating drinks and opt for other refreshing options, such as flavouring your water with herbs or fruit slices. These natural additives will not only add more flavour but also give one much-needed replenishment without leading them down the path of dehydration.


Be sure to take breaks often to drink water and rest in the shade.

Taking breaks is essential when working outside in the heat of summer. Not only will resting in the shade help you avoid sunburn, but it can also give your body and mind a chance to cool off and recharge. Hydration is also vital; remember to take the time to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Doing this will help ensure you don’t suffer from dehydration or heat exhaustion. So if you plan on spending long periods outdoors during the hot weather, make sure you’re taking regular breaks and staying hydrated for a safe and comfortable experience.


Drink plenty of water at mealtimes to ensure you’re Staying Hydrated During travel. 

Staying hydrated is often overlooked when travelling, but providing your body with fluids and hydrating foods can make a difference in how energized and alert you feel. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of water and essential vitamins that support overall health and well-being while on the go.

Additionally, soups, stews, and liquid-based dishes like risotto or lentil dhal provide more than just energy. They’re packed with nourishment that helps the body replenish its fluids, so be sure to include some hydrating comfort food in your meals if possible.

Adding a little extra liquid to dishes like oatmeal, rice or pasta also helps ensure plenty of fluid intake throughout the day. Lastly, always finish your meal with a few sips of water—your body will thank you!


Incorporate Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet 

Travelling can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but it can often leave us feeling depleted of energy if we don’t take steps to sustain ourselves properly.

It can sometimes be challenging to find healthy food options while travelling; many pre-packaged meals and snacks are laden with preservatives and unnecessary sugar and salt. To combat this, try incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet while travelling – they are a great source of hydration while providing essential vitamins and minerals.

These tasty little foods will also give you the energy you need throughout long days of exploring new places! On top of that, they usually come in small packages, so you don’t have to worry about filling up too much space in your bag or suitcase.


If you start feeling dizzy or lightheaded, that’s a sign that you’re dehydrated – find some water immediately!

Dehydration is more common than many realize and can be easily remedied by drinking water. Its symptoms, however, tend to go unnoticed until they become unbearable.

One of the more uncomfortable signs of dehydration is feeling lightheaded and dizzy. When these symptoms arise, it’s time to find water immediately to rehydrate your body and replenish lost electrolytes.

Indeed, those experiencing such symptoms should avoid alcohol and caffeine – both of which contribute to dehydration – until they are sure their body has had the hydration it needs.


In Conclusion, staying hydrated during travel 

It’s crucial not to forget basic health necessities when travelling – like staying hydrated! Keeping yourself hydrated helps ensure that your body stays energized throughout your trip so that nothing gets in between you and enjoying every moment of a fantastic experience.

Packing a reusable bottle is critical, as well as setting reminders during the day – plus, infused waters are a great alternative if regular tap water doesn’t sound too appetizing to you!

So don’t forget – stay hydrated while travelling so that nothing gets between you when having the best time on vacation!


Check out more wellness travel advice from your Fair Dinku Traveller!


wet and wild hike

Stay hydrated during travel and enjoy your adventures.



The Best Ways to Stay Hydrated on a Long Flight!

The Best Ways to Stay Hydrated on a Long Flight!

Dreaded Red eye flight

If you’re like most people, the idea of spending hours on a cramped aeroplane makes your skin crawl. Add to that the notoriously dry air quality in planes, and it’s easy to see why so many people dread long flights. However, there are some simple things that you can do to make your flight more comfortable and less daunting.

Whether taking a cross-country or long international flight, staying hydrated is essential to having an enjoyable and comfortable experience, especially with an aeroplane’s dry air quality. 

Luckily, there are some simple tips and tricks that you can use to make sure that you stay hydrated on your next long flight. Therefore, this article will discuss the best ways to stay hydrated on a long flight!


The Best Ways to Stay Hdrated on a Long Flight

The Best Ways to Stay Hydrated on a Long Flight.


The best ways to stay hydrated on a long flight. 

Long flights can be tough on the body, and one of the most important things to remember is to stay hydrated. Here are some tips for staying sufficiently hydrated during your next long flight.


Drink plenty of water before your flight.

Flying can be very dehydrating, and it’s essential to arrive at your destination feeling healthy and refreshed.

Therefore, drinking plenty of water before you board your flight is a good idea. Water not only helps you stay hydrated, but it also helps ward off jet lag and other unpleasant travel-related symptoms like headaches.

Furthermore, having a large bottle of water with you on the plane dramatically reduces the mid-flight dehydration risk. Moreover, supplementing your hydration with things like electrolytes (if desired) can help replenish minerals due to increased air pressure during the flight.

So to prepare for your journey well – grab a large bottle of water before boarding!


Bring your water bottle. 

First things first, bring an empty water bottle with you on the plane! Most airlines will allow passengers to bring empty containers on board, so don’t forget to toss one into your carry-on bag before you board.

Your water bottle will enable you to refill it as often as needed—before the flight and once onboard. Plus, if you have a reusable water bottle with a filter, you can fill it up in aeroplane bathrooms without worrying about questionable tap water quality!  



Drink Plenty of Water 

Drinking water might sound like obvious advice, but ensure you drink plenty of water throughout your journey! Try drinking 8 ounces (237 ml) every hour while in flight; this will help keep your body functioning optimally while also offsetting any dehydration caused by breathing in dry aeroplane air.

Also, consider bringing along some electrolyte powder packs to mix up some energy drinks when needed; electrolytes help replace lost minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which are depleted during flights due to low humidity inside planes.  


Eat Foods High in Water Content 

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, eating foods high in water content can help you stay hydrated throughout your flight.

Fruits such as melons, oranges and grapes all contain high levels of water and provide vitamins that will give you extra energy during the flight. Foods like tomatoes, cucumbers and celery are also full of natural hydrating properties and are easy snacks to munch on during the trip. 


Snack on Fruits and Veggies 

While it may sound counterintuitive, eating fruits and vegetables while trying to stay hydrated can help! Fruits contain high levels of water (think apples and oranges), which will help keep your body hydrated while providing essential vitamins and minerals.

Salty snacks like chips will make you thirsty, while fruits will keep you hydrated—so reach for an apple instead of that bag of chips! 


Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.

While both caffeine and alcohol can provide a short burst of energy, they are not the healthiest of options. Not only can they be dehydrating, but they can also lead to unpleasant side effects such as insomnia, restlessness and headaches.

Instead of relying on those drinks for energy, try going outside and exercising, listening to upbeat music or talking with friends. These activities will put you in a better mood and give you more energy – minus the unwanted side effects! Drinking enough water throughout the day will also help you remain energised, especially if you have the dreaded red-eye flight coming up.

Adding fruits or herbs to your water can make it more flavorful while staying hydrated. Keeping yourself hydrated is key to remaining energised but without resorting to caffeine or alcohol!


Get up and walk around the cabin every few hours to stay hydrated.

While travelling, staying hydrated is essential. Usually, on long trips and cramped flights, it can be easy to forget to stop and drink water – but this simple act of taking frequent walks around the cabin can help keep you energised and re-energised throughout your journey.

Additionally, doing a couple of laps around the plane every couple of hours can help get the blood flowing to the head and neck more effectively, helping fight off the dreaded motion sickness! Furthermore, getting up gives you an excuse for a little fresh air without leaving your seat – giving you that extra bit of oxygen that helps you stay alert during long periods of sitting.

So be sure to remember – every few hours, take a breather from your seat and get your body moving!


In Conclusion, on how to stay hydrated on a long flight 

Staying hydrated is critical when flying long distances—it helps ensure that your physical and mental health remains intact throughout your journey. By bringing along an empty water bottle and limiting caffeinated beverages while drinking plenty of regular H2O throughout your flight, you’ll be able to stay refreshed and energised all trip long!

So don’t forget these tips next time you’re about to hop on an aeroplane—they could make all the difference in how comfortable and relaxed your flying experience turns out!


Are you seeking more travel wellness tips? Check out these blog posts too!


Flights to Con Dao Island

Be prepared for your upcoming flight by watching your hydration levels.

Wellness Travel Trends to Consider for Your Next Vacation

Wellness Travel Trends to Consider for Your Next Vacation

accommodation mandurah wa

When we think of travel, we often picture ourselves lounging on a beach or exploring a new city. However, travel can be more than just a break from our daily routine. Many people are now discovering the benefits of wellness travel, which focuses on personal growth and self-improvement.

Whether you’re looking to improve your mental or physical health, reconnect with loved ones, or become a better version of yourself, wellness travel can help you achieve those goals. The great thing about wellness travel is that it can be tailored to your unique needs and desires, making it a truly personal and transformative experience. So, instead of viewing travel as a temporary escape from reality, why not use it as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself?

The wellness travel industry is increasing, and there are now more options than ever for people who want to explore the world while improving their health. This article will discuss some of the most popular wellness travel trends and tips on incorporating them into your next vacation.



Wellness Travel Trends

Wellness Travel Trends to Consider for Your Next Vacation.



Wellness Travel Trends to Consider for Your Next Vacation

It’s the rage of today; people want to adjust their lifestyle to fitness and healthy living. What better way to travel and learn about other cultures that have been doing it for centuries? Here are some popular wellness travel trends to consider:


What is Wellness Travel?

Wellness travel is one of the hottest travel trends right now. More and more people are looking for ways to escape the stresses of daily life and reconnect with themselves and the world around them. Wellness travel can take many forms, from yoga and meditation retreats to nature-based vacations and even city breaks.

There are wellness travel options to suit all budgets and preferences, so there’s no excuse not to try it. The important thing is that it allows you to take some time out for yourself and focus on your wellbeing. Who knows, you might find it’s the best decision ever made.



Mindfulness retreats

To clear the mind or to change the process of your mind to think more positively, this is a form of mental training done in a group or private session while away in exotic locations like Thailand or Bali.

You will often find these retreats in beautiful locations by the beach, in the mountains, or even in the city. The point is to immerse yourself in nature, focus on your breath, and be present in the moment.

The Mindfulness retreats are designed to help you learn to be more present and aware of your thoughts and surroundings.

Click here to find some wonderful mindfulness retreats in Bali!


Health and fitness vacations

If you’re looking for a vacation that combines rest and rejuvenation, then a health and fitness getaway might just be what you need. Resorts and hotels worldwide have started offering fitness bootcamps in Thailand and other locations, which allow guests to stay active and improve their physical health while on holiday.

Whether you’re looking for an intense workout or want to learn more about healthy eating habits, these programs offer a variety of fun and challenging activities. And when you’re not sweating it out in a fitness class, you can still enjoy all the pleasures of a traditional vacation, like exploring new places and trying fresh foods. So why not take a break from your usual routine and boost your body and mind with a fitness-focused vacation?

Click here to find some excellent health and fitness vacations!





Food-focused trips

For many people, delicious food is the highlight of any trip. But now, travellers aren’t just looking to indulge in tasty meals – they want to experience new food cultures and learn more about the ingredients and techniques behind their favourite dishes. That’s why food-focused trips have become so popular in recent years.

Whether you’re interested in taking cooking classes, tasting new wines, or exploring farm-to-table dining, there’s a food-focused vacation that’s perfect for you. With so many options, it’s a great time to combine your love of travel with your passion for food education and adventure.


Nishiki Market

Enjoy an unbelievable food experience on your adventures.


Farm stays

If you’re looking for a unique way to connect with nature and learn about your food’s origin, staying on a working farm is an excellent option. Whether you’re interested in hiking, biking, or even yoga classes, this type of vacation can offer an array of exciting activities that allow you to immerse yourself in the great outdoors.

But it’s not just about the fun and games – staying on a farm can also be an excellent opportunity to learn about the inner workings of a farm and even get your hands dirty by helping out with the animals and crops. So why not leave your comfort zone and experience all that a farm-style vacation offers? You might find yourself with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of agricultural life.

Click here to find some beautiful farm stays!


Cooking classes

There’s no clear-cut answer When it comes to whether or not we want to cook on vacation. It depends on the circumstances. That being said, there are certainly benefits to learning how to cook the local cuisine. It’s a fantastic way to truly immerse yourself in the culture of your destination and get an authentic taste of the region.

Eating fresh and healthy food can help you feel energized and ready to take on any adventure that comes your way. Cooking classes often include a wine-tasting component, providing a comprehensive and delicious experience. And let’s not forget about the health benefits of cooking your meals while on vacation.


kids Mai Khao Lak

A cooking class can enlighten anyone’s travel experience, no matter how old you are.


Yoga retreats

Imagine yourself waking up in a serene environment, surrounded by lush greenery and the sounds of nature. As you stretch and take in your surroundings, you realize that yoga is the only thing on your agenda for the day. This is the beauty of a yoga retreat. Finding time to care for ourselves has become increasingly difficult in today’s fast-paced world. That’s why yoga retreats have become so popular. They offer a way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and focus on our wellbeing.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting, there’s a yoga retreat out there that’s perfect for you. From Bali’s beaches to the mountains of Nepal, the world is your playground for yoga retreats. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and get ready to embark on an adventure that will not only leave you feeling relaxed but also leave you with a deeper appreciation for the beauty of life.

Click here to find some fantastic yoga retreats in Thailand!





Meditation classes

Meditation can be done anywhere and is often best experienced in a group setting. In addition to the traditional yoga classes, many retreats offer meditation classes. This centuries-old practice has been known to benefit mental health and wellness significantly.

With like-minded individuals, meditation sessions can foster a sense of community and provide an opportunity to connect with oneself on a deeper level and find inner peace. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to meditation, you will surely benefit from this conscious and reflective experience.


Hiking and biking trails

Travelling can be an excellent opportunity to improve physical and mental health by staying active. If you want to incorporate wellness into your travels, consider seeking destinations offering access to hiking and biking trails. This travel trend has become quite popular in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why.

Not only are you getting a great workout while enjoying stunning views, but being in nature has been shown to have countless benefits for mental health. Whether looking for a stroll or a challenging hike, numerous trails worldwide offer something for everyone.


Kuala Lumpur Rainforest

All prepared for the hike in a Kuala Lumpur Rainforest.



Stay in Eco-friendly resorts.

Eco-friendly resorts are a trendy alternative for those who want to travel without causing harm to the environment. These resorts employ sustainable techniques that range from using solar power to composting organic waste in their gardens. You can experience the beauty of these resorts and enjoy the surrounding nature, as well as the peace of mind that you are supporting responsible tourism.

While some might think that eco-resorts are dull and lacking in luxury, it is essential to understand that the principles behind them uphold the idea that luxurious accommodations can go hand in hand with environmental responsibility. So, when planning your next holiday, consider an eco-resort and enjoy all the benefits of a relaxing vacation while leaving a smaller carbon footprint on our planet.

• Green transportation – When it comes to travel, we are all responsible for reducing our carbon footprint and protecting the planet. Luckily, eco-friendly resorts are leading the way by offering green transportation options that allow guests to explore their surroundings without harming the environment.

Whether riding an electric bike through the countryside or cruising in a solar-powered car, these eco-friendly modes of transport are both practical and sustainable. Plus, they add an element of adventure to your vacation, letting you experience the sights and sounds of your destination in a whole new way. So why not give them a try on your next eco-conscious getaway? Your planet (and your sense of adventure) will thank you.

• Sustainable activities – Eco-friendly resorts are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to enjoy their vacations while being environmentally responsible. These resorts often offer a range of activities that allow guests to explore the area while leaving minimal environmental impact. Hiking and biking are prevalent activities, allowing visitors to experience the beauty of nature up close while also getting some exercise.

Not only do these activities promote physical health, but they also encourage people to appreciate the natural world and the importance of preserving it. What could be better than ending the day with a sense of accomplishment and a stunning view? Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or just looking for a fun and sustainable way to spend your vacation, eco-friendly resorts offer the perfect balance of adventure and responsibility.



Volunteering abroad

Do you want to make a difference while experiencing a new culture? If so, volunteering abroad may be just what you’re looking for. With a wide variety of opportunities available, you will find a program that best suits your strengths and interests. You could find yourself travelling to far-off destinations, such as Laos, Nepal, or Thailand, and helping support a needy community.

This unique experience adds extra depth to your travels, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in a culture while engaging in meaningful work. Not only will you contribute to society, but you’ll also walk away with memories that will last a lifetime. So why not give back while exploring the world? Your adventure awaits.

Click here to find some fantastic volunteering opportunities!


Laos volunteering

I was volunteering at a Laos primary school.


In conclusion to, the Wellness travel trends

As you can see, Wellness travel trends are on the rise, with many activities available for travellers looking for something new in adventure.

What are some of the wellness travel trends you’re interested in seeking something new? Let us know in the comments below!

Safe travels! If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends and family! And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more travel tips and tricks. Thanks for reading!

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Bodyweight Exercises for Travel: Hotel Room Workouts

Bodyweight Exercises for Travel: Hotel Room Workouts

No matter how you slice it, bodyweight exercises are a great way to get in a workout when you’re on the road. Hotel rooms provide all the necessary equipment for a successful bodyweight workout – your body! All you need is some creativity and motivation.

To maintain the workout routine, you discovered pre-holiday is essential to carry out while travelling, as it’s all too easy to let things like this fall by the wayside, and before you know it, you’re out of shape.

Finding vacation bodyweight workouts that effectively work for all your muscle groups can be challenging. Still, once you do, you have a movement that requires no equipment – perfect for hotel rooms!

This article will discuss a few bodyweight exercises for travel that you can do in your hotel room. Let’s get started!

You can also check out more fit and healthy articles on the travel wellness page.


bodyweight exercises for travel

Find the space if you can and conduct basic bodyweight exercises for travel.



Bodyweight Exercises for Travel: Hotel Room Workouts

If you’re anything like me, I can’t go a day without exercise, be it cardio, muscle building, stretching or relaxation. In this article are a few ideas for bodyweight exercise for travel you may consider when in the hotel room.

Here are a few bodyweight exercises for travel that you can do in your hotel room:


Lower body workouts

Ignore leg day; it’s overrated, they say. Not entirely, unfortunately, working out the legs is essential for daily movement, which is something we all need to do in our everyday lives.

Let’s discuss some of the best bodyweight leg exercises to do in the hotel room:


Squats is a classic workout burner that works the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. To do a bodyweight squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your weight and drive through your heels to return to standing.

Squat Pulses

If you want to make your squats a bit more challenging, try squat pulses. To do this variation, lower yourself into a squat position and then pulse up and down a few inches for 30 seconds to one minute.


Another excellent exercise for the legs is lunges to target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. To make a bodyweight lunge:

  1. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a big step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are at 90-degree angles.
  3. Keep your front knee over your ankle and push through your heels to return to standing.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Calf Raises

For this bodyweight exercise, you must find something sturdy to hold onto for balance. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise onto your toes. Lower back down and repeat.



Upper body workouts

Everyone loves the perfect upper body with hardened pecs and big biceps. Let’s not forget about those triceps, either!

Here are some bodyweight exercises for the upper body:


One of the most classic bodyweight exercises, push-ups, work the chest, shoulders, and triceps. To do a bodyweight push-up, start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body to the ground and press back to the starting position.

Diamond Push-ups

Try diamond push-ups if you want to make push-ups a bit more challenging. To do this variation, start in a high plank position with your hands in front of you, forming a diamond shape. Lower your body down and then press back up to the starting position.

Triceps Dips

For this bodyweight exercise, you will need something sturdy to grip onto, like a chair, bed or countertop. Start seated with your hands shoulder-width apart and palms flat on the surface in front of you. Lift your body off the ground and lower yourself by bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position.



Core Workouts

A core workout, oh so painful on the stomach, yet rewarding at the end of the day. The core is essential for balance and stability and is vital to sustaining when you exercise.

Below are a few valuable core workouts to do while travelling:

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are a great bodyweight exercise to get your heart rate up and work the core. To do this exercise:

  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring one knee at a time up towards your chest and then return it to the starting position.
  3. Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.

It’s my favourite core workout.


To do a bodyweight crunch:

  1. Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  2. Place your hands behind your head, then lift your shoulders off the ground and towards your knees.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.


Sit-ups are a great bodyweight exercise to work the entire core. Lie down with your knees and feet flat on the ground to do this exercise. Place your hands behind your head and lift your whole body off the ground until you sit upright. Return to the starting position and repeat.


Planks are a bodyweight exercise that works the entire core. To do a plank, start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. Draw your belly button to your spine, and then engage your core muscles to hold the position for 30 seconds to one minute.


For this bodyweight exercise, you must lie down with your hands by your sides. Bring both knees towards your chest with feet off the ground, then pedal them in the air as if you’re riding a bike. Do this for 30 seconds to one minute.


This bodyweight exercise is great for the abs and back. Start by sitting on the ground with your legs in front of you and your hands behind you. Lean back and lift your legs off and over to one side. Return to the starting position and then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for 30 seconds to one minute.


To do a bodyweight V-up, lie down on your back with legs in front and arms by your sides. Engage your abs to lift your entire body off the ground, and then reach your hands towards your feet. Return to the starting position and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute

Russian twists

This bodyweight exercise is great for the abs. To do this exercise:

  1. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and pull your legs towards your chest.
  2. Lean back slightly and then twist your body to one side, bringing your hands to that side.
  3. Continue alternating sides for 30 seconds to one minute.
  4. Return to the starting position and then repeat on the other side.

Glue Bridge

A Glute bridge workout is good for the core, legs and back. To do this bodyweight exercise:

  1. Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  2. Place your arms by your sides.
  3. Lift your hips off the ground, and then press through your heels to lift your body into the air, extending your hips until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.





Cardio Workouts

Now we must continue to get the heart pumping, and an excellent old-fashioned cardio workout does the trick. Here are some cardio exercises you can do in the hotel room.

Running on the spot.

The most simple bodyweight cardio exercise there is, running on the spot. Start by standing on the area and lifting your knees as you pump your arms back and forth. Do this for one minute and then rest for 30 seconds before repeating the exercise.

High Knees

To do this bodyweight exercise:

  1. Start standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bring one knee to your chest and quickly switch to the other side.
  3. Continue alternating sides for 30 seconds to one minute.

Jumping Jacks

Start by standing with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Jump your feet to the sides and bring them back together as you lift your hands above your head. Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.


The ultimate, full-body workout that you’ll be at the mercy for your next rest time. Start standing with your feet hip-width apart and lower your body into a low squat position. Place your hands on the ground before you, and then jump your feet back into a high plank position. Lower your body to the ground and jump your feet back to the starting position. Stand up and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.


Walk, run or ride

When you’ve had enough of a workout in the hotel room, perhaps you need to go outside and see where you’re travel has taken you. You can do this with a stroll, run or bike ride. Take in the sights and sounds of your surroundings and get some fresh air.

Then maybe some local tours where you can enjoy a day tour and keep active by going on hikes or walks. You can even hit the water for adventure by swimming, canoeing, kayaking or diving.


Bunbury beaches

Go for a stroll and enjoy the best locations of where you are travelling.


In conclusion to, the ideal bodyweight exercises for travel

That wraps up a long list of bodyweight exercises for travel you can do in your hotel room. These bodyweight exercises are great for when you’re on the road and don’t have access to a gym or equipment. So next time you’re travelling, make sure to pack your workout clothes and give these bodyweight exercises a try.

I hope this article has given you some ideas of bodyweight exercises for travel you can do on your next trip. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Happy travels!

Do you have a favourite workout to share? Please let me know in the comments below?

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