Regarding health insurance, you have various options at your disposal. One of these options is to take out a local health policy. This is something a lot of people elect to do. However, they later discovered various limitations of this health insurance plan. Read on to learn more about the restrictions of local health insurance to determine whether this is the right policy for you…
One of the main limitations of local health insurance is that the policies are only country-specific. While you may spend most of your time in one country and have no intention of moving overseas in the foreseeable future, you may still go on regular vacations. While abroad, you will not be protected by your local health insurance plan. This is when health policies like global medical insurance show their worth. After all, treatment expenses tend to be more expensive, and access is more restricted in other countries, like Southeast Asia.
Aside from this, there are also restrictions regarding pre-existing conditions. If you are deemed to have a pre-existing condition, you will find it virtually impossible to locate a local health insurance policy that accommodates this. However, with international health insurance, you will find some exceptions. Insurers are more accommodating and thus will provide you with various options, such as higher premiums since you are a higher-risk policyholder.
Many people are also shocked to discover that local health insurance policies do not provide the same degree of coverage as other options. Whilst a worldwide medical insurance plan offers a high level of coverage with virtually everything from dental care to maternity care available, local policies tend to only provide medium coverage, with a similar difference evident regarding maximum benefit limits. In-patient treatment also tends to be limited with local health plans, whilst complete in-patient treatment is offered if you go for the international health insurance alternative.
All in all, there are some evident restrictions when it comes to local health insurance policies, and unfortunately, this is not something everyone is aware of. There are many exclusions, and the cover is at a medium level.

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Regarding health care and international medical insurance, you may have heard of two terms: ‘in-patient’ and ‘outpatient’. In this section, we will reveal the difference between the two so you can determine whether you are an in-patient or an outpatient and what this means regarding treatment, expenses and international health insurance. So, keep on reading to discover all you need to know…
Let’s begin with in-patient care. You are typically deemed an in-patient if you have been formally admitted to the hospital under a doctor’s order. In-patient care relates to incidents whereby you have to stay overnight.
On the other hand, outpatient care does not require the patient to stay in the hospital overnight. They will be released to recuperate at home. Treatment does not always take place in a hospital. Alternatively, treatment could be provided at the surgery or practice of a medical practitioner.
Now you know what both in-patient and outpatient refer to. Typically, in-patient treatment is more expensive, as it will usually involve a more invasive procedure, such as surgery or radiation therapy. On the other hand, outpatient care tends to be less invasive, and if surgery is required, it will usually only involve a small incision. Diagnostic tests also fall under outpatient care.
So, how do the two treatment types impact you regarding international health insurance? When looking for a global medical insurance policy, you will have different cover levels. These will typically be as follows: basic, intermediate, and comprehensive. In-patient care is the most basic form of worldwide health insurance, and consequently, it will be covered in all policies, irrespective of what type you go for. Nevertheless, it would be best if you still read the policy conditions to be sure of the particulars.
Finally, if you want to be covered for outpatient care, you will have to go for a policy with intermediate and sometimes even comprehensive coverage. This all depends on your insurer and the options they present to you. Some insurers will offer outpatient treatment as part of an intermediate plan. However, there could be some exclusions, so you need to be mindful of this.

Have you forgotten to get your insurance before you travel? That would be not very smart.
When thinking about coverage, the mind instantly wanders to medical emergencies, outpatient treatments and such, yet we often overlook dental care. Many people do not view dental care as necessary. However, you should consider this option carefully before selecting your policy.
It is worth pointing out that dental care is typically only available in high-cover international health insurance policies. These plans cover a comprehensive selection of treatments and care. But what type of dental care will you be covered for? Will your insurer merely pay for dental emergencies, or will you have other options?
Of course, every worldwide medical insurance plan differs from the next, yet generally speaking, various dental treatments and care options will cover you. If you find yourself needing a root canal, a filling or any other standard procedure, you will be covered. Policies offering dental care cover annual cleanings, yearly well visits and other forms of preventative care. You may think this all seems a bit unnecessary! However, regular check-ups can ensure serious issues do not occur later down the line, such as oral cancer or periodontal disease. Thus, you must see a dentist every year, and by including dental care in your global health insurance plan, you have no reason not to.
Aside from this, you will find that some international medical insurance policies also include dental work such as prosthetics, dentures, veneers and oral surgery. Do you currently use a retainer or a brace? If so, you will be pleased to know that orthodontics is also widely available, which makes it possible for you to continue wearing your brace or retainer if you go to one of the countries covered in your policy.
Overall, dental care is indeed covered in international health insurance, but only in policies with comprehensive coverage. You must read the policy’s terms and conditions to ensure you know the care you can benefit from.

Visiting world attractions, such as Bulguksa Temple in Korea, is pointless if things go wrong and you have no Health Insurance.
Finally, when choosing an international medical insurance policy, you need to look at what you will be covered for and assess what the policy will not pay for. After all, nothing is more disappointing than making a claim only to discover that you are not covered.
Let’s begin by looking at some treatments that are not covered. It’s important to stress that your treatment must be deemed medically necessary; otherwise, it is doubtful that your insurer will pay for it. International health insurance policies do not cover plastic surgery or any surgical procedure carried out for wholly cosmetic reasons. What does this mean? Well, if you want to undergo cosmetic surgery – such as breast augmentation – simply because you feel you will look better, your policy will not cover this. Policies also do not cover treatment for self-inflicted injuries. This can include substance-related abuse. Treatments for sexually transmitted diseases are usually not covered either.
Regarding medication, your global medical insurance policy will not cover any drugs that can be purchased over the counter. Prime examples include dietary supplements and vitamins. If you can buy the medication without a doctor’s prescription, your insurer will not pay for it. Health insurers also do not cover any treatments or medicines for experimental purposes. This also includes treatment and investigations into insomnia and other sleeping disorders.
On a final note, when choosing the right worldwide health insurance policy for your needs specifically, you will be considering the array of areas covered in the policy. An international medical insurance policy rarely covers the entire world. Instead, you will have a comprehensive list of countries where you can reap the benefits of your policy. If you require treatment outside the geographical area of coverage, your insurer will not pay for it.
When choosing an international health insurance policy, it is just as important to know what you won’t be covered for as what you will be covered for. Hopefully, you better understand the most common things insurers will not pay for regarding these policies.

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