Losing your luggage is every traveller’s worst nightmare. Not only are you stranded without your belongings, but you also have to go through the hassle of filing a lost luggage report and dealing with the airline.
Dwell on these for figures out for a moment.
Hundreds of millions of luggage run through airports and commercial aeroplanes yearly. Of that crazy number, an average of 21.8 million airport luggage is mishandled every year and sent to the wrong destinations, leaving travellers in a world of hurt upon learning their luggage has not joined them at their destination.
Now, I am not here to tell you how to minimise the risk of losing your precious baggage, the destiny of your personal belongings is in the hand of the airport staff when you hand it over to the team at the check-in counter and upon reaching your destination, you hope to see it on the conveyor belt for collection, instead of being another lost luggage statistic that goes deep into the millions.
Anyway, please read below for a solid lost luggage tip for when you lose your precious baggage, and I hope to rectify the issue and quickly return your bags.

Travel Smart: An Odd Lost Luggage Tip
A Basic Lost Luggage Tip for your Airplane Travel
What if I was to tell you that there was a nifty little strategy that could help you to get your hands on the lost luggage that little bit quicker in the unfortunate event that it does indeed go walkabouts? And this small strategy requires minimal effort and is as easy as a click of the fingers.
Snap a picture of your luggage on your smartphone before you leave home and head off to the airport for that eagerly awaited adventure.
Bizarre advice, odd-even, perhaps not.
Think about that number again. On average, there is 21.8 million lost luggage each year, which is just shy of the population of Australia. Think about this more; there are thousands of bags in the global world, luggage of different shapes or sizes, different colours, different brand names, no name brands that are bought cheaply in the markets. It’s pretty hard to keep up.
Now try describing your luggage description to the airport staff on the other end of the flight (who have no idea what your bag looks like), trying to give as much specific detail as possible. Needle in the haystack sound familiar, no wonder it can take days for your personal belongings to reach you finally.
Here is an intelligent travel tip: airport staff scouring different airports for your lost luggage love when there is an image instead of a worded description. Modern technology has gone a long way, as we all know, and passing on photos through your phone is a breeze.
So, snapping a picture of your luggage means it can be forwarded to other airports where the lost luggage has wandered to, found sooner and returned to you much quicker.
Next time you are at the airport and about to check in, snap that picture; as ridiculous as it may seem, you never know when it is your destiny to have your luggage misplaced and to feel the grief of many other travellers worldwide.
Read on below for further lost luggage tips for travellers.

Travel Smart: An Odd Lost Luggage Tip.
Additional lost luggage tips for travellers
You’re not alone if you’ve ever lost your luggage when flying. As mentioned previously, airlines lost 19 million bags in 2019. And while that may seem like a lot, it’s an improvement from 2016, when 22 million bags were lost worldwide. So what can you do to avoid becoming a statistic? Here are a few additional lost luggage tips for you to remember when flying abroad or domestically:
– Check with your airline before you fly to see if they have a lost luggage tracking system. If they do, register your bag before you take off.
– Keep a list of all the items in your suitcase and their approximate value. This will come in handy if you need to file a claim with your airline.
– Pack essential items in your carry-on bag, like your medication and travel documents. If your checked luggage is lost, you’ll still have everything you need.
Following these simple tips can help reduce the risk of lost luggage – and make dealing with lost luggage less of a headache if it does happen.
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