Why Stay in a Hotel When You Could? Find other affordable and alternative accommodations without spending a fortune.
Hotels are usually the obvious choice when travelling abroad, but there are many options to choose from when finding suitable accommodation.
You can try renting an apartment if you are staying in a large group, go to a hostel to bring down the costs and meet new people or even visit with a local family to learn their customs and culture first-hand.
Travelling is all about learning new things and gaining new experiences. Hence, while staying in a hotel complex is fine if you are looking for a week of distress, trying alternative accommodations is an ideal way to shake things up.
Once you have the travel bug, it’s impossible to remember a time when you weren’t curious about other people and ways of life. And now you’ve been bitten, here are three ways to feed your passion.
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Why Stay in a Hotel When You Could? Try Alternative options. Pic source.
Why Stay in a Hotel When You Could?
Why stay in a hotel when you could try alternative options? Why not stay in an Airbnb or a hostel? Camping or hosting? There are so many reasons to choose something other than a hotel. Hotels can be expensive and not always located in the best areas.
Why Stay in a Hotel When You Could? When you could Rent an Apartment
Apartments are always an excellent idea if you go on holiday, especially if many of you are. Unlike hotels, apartments offer a larger communal space for you to hang out and relax together, plus you can enjoy self-catering rather than relying on expensive meals.
This is true in places like Indonesia, where the hotels are incredible but sometimes feel like cloistered tourist destinations rather than an authentic experience.
Instead, you can get an excellent apartment close to the sea or within local communities and take some time to walk in their shoes and live an Indonesian lifestyle, if just for a few weeks. Look at Gudang Disewa for ideas on what you can rent for a reasonable price.
Families, in particular, should consider apartments for the flexibility they offer. Hotels also serve breakfast between specific times and have a particular check-in time, so flats are much easier going.
Since you will be making breakfast, you can have it whenever you like. As many holidays let owners run apartments, you can negotiate the best times for your arrival and departure directly with them to save on fuss later.

Why Stay in a Hotel When You Could? When you could try a serviced apartment while holidaying.
Try a Hostel
If you are young, free and travelling solo, hostels are often great places to meet people as you travel and quickly form a social bond. Many hostels come with bars attached, giving you a natural place to meet new people and have a great time together. Plus, since millennials are far more demanding, hostels worldwide have significantly improved and are no longer the bedbug-ridden squats they used to be. Expect Wi-Fi, hot water and your little light!
Most hostels rent out beds rather than rooms, so sharing a room with a group of strangers can be daunting. However, many hostels will allow you to choose a single-sex room. You can also specify how many people you are willing to share with; some hostels offer single or double rooms you can take alone.
Consider that the more people you are willing to share with, the cheaper your stay is likely to be, but you are less likely to get a perfect night’s sleep – especially if some are out partying all night!
Hostels are generally filled with bright young people taking time to travel between studying, but there’s no reason that older adults can’t enjoy hostels. Check with the hostels in the area you are interested in to see whether there are more low-key rooms you could try, and keep an open mind.
While some hostels are about organising the next beach party, they aren’t all like that, and some are perfect for a chat and a beer.

A hostel may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s an affordable option—pic by Pexels.
Stay with a Local Family
This alternative is, admittedly, a bit riskier than the previous ideas since you might not get on well with the family you stay with and horrible would that be for your holiday. However – and this is big if you do get on- this is probably the best way to experience an authentic local lifestyle and get to know the people in the area.
If you aren’t sure whether this is for you, you could always sign up to be a host family and see whether this is something you could get on board with in the future. There are so many students and travellers coming to Australia to learn about our culture that you could be a host and learn a bit more about the principles of the idea.
As you welcome someone into your home, you will have the luxury of being in your home with all your comforts. Plus, trying it this way will give you an insight into what it is like hosting and how you should behave on holiday with your host family.
There are so many benefits to staying with a host family, and you will likely have made friends for life after your holiday. In our modern world, we have lost the trust and natural intimacy humans enjoy in favour of technologies that might cross all geographical barriers but still keep us apart.
Learning to make new friends and accommodate other people, ask them about their culture and allow them to show you new things is such a human ideal that, though it might take a leap of faith, it is gratifying.

Vacating with a host family is daring, but it might work.
Wherever you choose to stay and whatever you plan to do, remember you have a fantastic opportunity when travelling. You can see, eat, talk, and everything else that being human means.
Take yourself out of your comfort zone, leave the poolside resort behind, even if just for one day of exploration, and let yourself go and find what you came here for. Travel is all about that, and you, my friend, have the bug.

Hotels or Resorts are not always your only option when travelling.
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