A Travel Alarm Clock To Never Be Late for those Important Schedules!

A Travel Alarm Clock To Never Be Late for those Important Schedules!

Many of us have become reliant on our mobile phones’ alarm features, but seasoned jet setters know that there is nothing like a traditionalist travel alarm clock.

A travel clock gives a sense of security, knowing that it won’t fail when you hopelessly need the device the most. 

That’s because out-of-country mobile phones can sometimes have issues, and you can’t always depend on the alarm clocks found in your hotel room. 

Besides, not all trips mean you’ll be staying in a hotel room, and heaven helps if you can’t charge your smartphone.

Having your travel alarm clock gives you peace of mind you won’t miss your next flight or wake up in time to catch that incredible sunrise you travelled so far to see.

Let’s go travel shopping!


family James Bond Island.

Get your family all organised and ready with a travel alarm clock.


A Suitable Travel Alarm Clock So your Never Late for those Important Schedules 


 Below are a few handy travel alarm clocks that you might want to check out in the nick of time for your next trip abroad:

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Marathon Travel Clock 

Travel alarm clocks may be a small, niche market, but Marathon reigns supreme as the pick of the lot. 

The Marathon Alarm Clock is known for making portable yet practical, affordable travel alarm clocks, and the Marathon CL030023 Travel Clock is no different.

Travellers love this clock so much because of its portability; you can fold it up and quickly tuck it away into your suitcase. 

When it’s time to use it, unfold it and let it stand next to your bed. It has all the thoughtful features you’d need in a clock. 

It wakes you up with easy-to-set alarms, but it also shows you the date, day, and temperature. 

The Marathon Travel Alarm Clock is around 4×2 inches and highly compact – what’s not to love?


You can purchase the Marathon Alarm Clock at Amazon!

Australian Customers Click here!

travel alarm clock



Peakeep Ultra Small Travel Alarm Clock 

If you’re one of many who still prefer analog travel clocks to be digital, you can’t go wrong with the Peakeep Ultra Small Travel Alarm Clock. 

At a compact size of 2.25×1.25 inches and with a weight of under 2 ounces, this pocket analog alarm clock has become a favourite among travellers.

However, this model has removed that irritating ticking noise, unlike traditional analog clocks. 

Thanks to a second hand that does not tick at all, the travel clock is silent. Plus, you can easily set the alarm by turning the alarm on and off. 

It comes with a snooze button located on the front and an ascending alarm that will ensure you wake up for your flight or scheduled day trip. 


You can purchase the Peakeep Travel clock at Amazon!

Australian Customers Click Here!

travel alarm clock



Alarpro Small Digital Alarm Clock

Despite being a small travel clock, this travel alarm clock is powerful and efficient. 

It’s half an inch in thickness and weighs 3 ounces, so if you’re a light packer, this is the small clock for you.

The Alarpro Small Digital Alarm Clock features a lid that doubles as a stand. 

It comes with a leather case for added protection when you buy a clock. The clock’s digital display includes the day and the week as well. You can assure you’ll wake up to its loud sound though it isn’t obnoxiously loud, and the settings are all simple. 

Overall, this travel alarm clock is ideal for travellers looking for a small, straightforward model that does the job well.


Purchase the Alarpro Travel Clock at Amazon!

Australian Customers Click Here!

travel alarm clock


The last thing anyone wants to experience during a trip is missing a flight or tour. A reliable travel alarm clock will help you prevent all that.

Let us know which one is your favourite!


travel alarm clock

A Travel Alarm Never Be Late for those Important Schedules with a trustworthy alarm device!


4 Affordable Vacations for Families For Awesome Travel Memories

4 Affordable Vacations for Families For Awesome Travel Memories

family holiday ideas

Vacations can be a great way to get away from it all, relax and have fun with the family. Usually, the only problem with vacations is that they cost an arm and a leg. Fortunately, there are many budget-friendly vacation ideas for your family available in this day and age of growing technology!

So, what does one do when money’s tight, but you still want to go on a vacation? There are many exciting and fun vacation ideas for families. While most vacations may be too expensive, there is always a budget-friendly option for you. This blog post will discuss four affordable family vacations that won’t break the bank.


Kuala Lumpur rainforest

4 Affordable Vacations for Families to For Awesome Travel Memories.


4 Affordable Vacations for Families to For Awesome Travel Memories

Let’s dive into it, shall we, and discuss affordable vacations for families that’ll give the clan a lifetime of memories and save money.


1. Vacationing Locally and Saving money

There’s no need to leave the country and fly halfway around it to have an adventure. The great thing about travelling within driving distance is that you don’t spend money on airfare or hotel rooms! Plus, you can pack a ton of activities into your trip.

Travelling locally is an excellent option for families on a budget as it allows everyone to stay close together and ensures that no one will get left behind or feel homesick. In contrast, the other half of the family runs off somewhere fun without them!


2. Camping in the Wilderness

Summer is always a fun family experience with the hot weather providing various activities. Many parks have campsites available, so you won’t need to spend hundreds of dollars buying land before you get started! You can pack up your car with all of your camping supplies, tents, and sleeping bags to head out on an adventure in nature for several nights.


3. Vacationing In A Caravan Park

A great location to consider visiting is caravan park Deniliquin. They can be found all over Australia, but caravanning is most prevalent in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. There is no set fee for caravan parking; caravan park managers charge visitors based on their length of stay.

Facilities vary at a caravan park, but most caravan parks include on-site shops for groceries and supplies; some even have restaurants, pools, or laundry rooms. Visitors can also find clean toilets and showers with hot water in caravan park bathrooms. Most caravan park managers lock the washing machines after a particular hour, so families should plan accordingly.


4. Vacationing In Southeast Asia

There are many inexpensive ways to vacation in Southeast Asia. You can eat for less than $30 a day per family at a trendy restaurant along the beach, rent an apartment or house for much cheaper than hotels (and get more space), and see impressive temples like Wat Phra Kaew that won’t cost anything at all!

Since Southeast Asian countries like Thailand are compact and well-connected by roads, you can get by without public transport. You can consider renting a car, or take cheap buses for much more affordable than trains—and the bus stations are often located right in town.

The best part about a trip to Asia from Australia is you can also get great deals on flights—many times; they are just as cheap or cheaper than trains if you book them months ahead.

The best way to have a fantastic vacation with your family is to save money! The good news is that if you know where to look, there are plenty of affordable vacations for families.



4 Affordable Vacations for Families to For Awesome Travel Memories

Family shot at the falls in Khao Lak.


What Inspires You To Travel? Reasons Behind Our Motivation For Travel

What Inspires You To Travel? Reasons Behind Our Motivation For Travel

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
– Anthony Bourdain


Recently, I wrote a Twitter post that got high engagement. It was a fundamental question to the Twitter world on what inspires you to travel, with a range of options to go with the issue at hand.

What followed was a lengthy and friendly debate with many varying responses. Those responses certainly didn’t surprise me. However, a clear winner throughout the conversation happened to be a country’s culture, closely followed by food.

However, other responses came to the fore, and the variety of reactions I got through the conversation had me thinking about all the ideas that inspire people to travel. Hence, turning the twitter debate into a blog post for several reasons, including why travel is encouraging to so many people worldwide.

Therefore, what is the leading reasons which inspire you to travel the world? Let’s find out the enormous appeal of galivanting and the motivation behind an adventure to a faraway place.


Jurien Bay Western Australia

Even the young are inspired to travel.



What Inspires you to travel and Hit the Road More Often

Let’s begin with a quote, a longwinded quote by a guy named Terry Pratchett, who I think nails it when it comes to inspiration for travel.


“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky



The Cultures of the World

Culture is an incredible thing, and it’s well worth a trip abroad to see how different cultures can be from country to country.

Of course, this only works if you leave your fancy resort and get out to where the real world is of your visited destination and witness the indigenous in the natural setting of their everyday life.

It’s an eye-opening experience to see how others live compared to your backyard back home. No two countries are alike, and it’s a little reality check to get out to the local villages, towns or districts to learn about the culture and their way of life.

In doing so, you can have an idea of the country’s customs, religious values, marriage rituals, work ethics, the food that’s traditionally eaten and a general idea of their regular day.


Laos village

The older man and his bull look on in a Laos Village.



Tasting and Experimenting with different foods

Delicious foods of the world, where would we be without the delicious food when travelling and experimenting with our taste buds from restaurant to restaurant?

Tell me, who doesn’t love travelling to another country to try various foods, with the different flavours and to eat as the locals would eat, it’s why you go travel, to begin with to saviour different cultures.

In the Twitter conversation, trying different foods had been a popular choice, and honestly, it’s hard to argue with that fact, for quite often, we are thinking with our stomachs when in travel mode or at home, for that matter.

Check out my experience of tasting Durian in Malaysia for the first time!


Being somewhere different other than home

A holiday is leaving the comforts of your home and travelling abroad to an unknown and utterly foreign country.

The very idea inspires many travellers to go on their next adventure.

The thought of being away from familiar surroundings excites most people because a change is a good thing, and to get that much-needed change, for even a short while, lifts the mood of yourself and those around you.


Prayer rime in Laos

Visit the world and live differently.



The fact you can be yourself again

I always feel that when you’re at home, you’re generally living in a robotic world where our lives are full of routine and order, whether you’re at the office or in your home.

Many days in the real world is like Groundhog Day. You wake up simultaneously, leave for the office at the same hour, get home when the sun is fading away and fall asleep at the same hour as the night before. Every day the routine is typically the same.

A change needs to happen to get out of the 9-5 system, and travel offers a chance for a routine change.

When you’re in that different environment, you can genuinely be yourself again because the Groundhog Day routine’s broken, and the refreshing change of scenery gives you a fresh and happy vibe once again.


The friendly locals

The friendly locals always smile on your face when travelling abroad, and personally, there is nothing better gained in an adventure than meeting the locals and enjoying a conversation.

A general conversation may be tricky if the language barrier is in the way, but it has never stopped me from laughing a minute with someone I couldn’t communicate with when two languages are not the same.

When you do get up close and personal with the locals, it’s when you learn the finer details about the person you’re talking with and learn of their background, heritage and values.


streets of Ho Chi Minh CIty

Mingling with the locals in Vietnam.



Visiting Unique Attractions

Attractions of the world are unbelievable, whether it’s an old heritage building, a famous temple, or a modern skyrise building taller than the eye can see.

Each city you visit always has an incredible appeal to the destination, and the epic photo-taking moment is still bound to happen no matter where you travel.

During our research, before heading off to our holidays, we’re often Googling information on specific places to visit, major attractions in the area and other random searches deemed worthwhile for the upcoming vacation.


Enjoying The Outdoors

Another great reason to travel would be to make sure that you have great opportunities to explore the outdoors. Regardless of where you are going, you can guarantee there will be opportunities to explore the forests and lakes of the world.

For instance, you might decide to take a trip to Lake Eildon in Australia. Lake Eildon caravan parks will place you a stone’s throw away from a natural paradise with countless adventures worth uncovering while you’re there.


Let me know – what inspires you to travel.

I have given several reasons on what motivates you to travel, but I am sure there are many other reasons not on the list which inspire many people to begin planning their next trip.

In the comments below, I would love to hear what inspires you to travel; whether it’s mentioned or not, I’m interested in knowing what excites you the most and understanding the biggest travel inspiration.


Kuala Lumpur rainforest

Love to travel!


Books to inspire you to travel

Get Inspired to travel with this selection of reading books that hay get you booking another trip real soon.



Ocean Cruise? Here are 7 Reasons To Say Yes to a Voyage on the Sea!

Ocean Cruise? Here are 7 Reasons To Say Yes to a Voyage on the Sea!

With travel still pretty uncertain, you might be wondering why you should be thinking about those ocean cruise offers that are showing up everywhere right now. The thing is, just because the world is effectively paused when it comes to travel, it doesn’t mean that you can’t plan, right?

Anyone who loves travel knows that cruising is one of the hottest ways to go. You can choose to go it alone, bring the whole family or go with friends. You can get an all-inclusive holiday at the click of a button. But best of all, you can go and see many places without having to chop and change your break.


ocean cruise

Ocean Cruise? Here are 7 Reasons To Say Yes to a Voyage on the Sea!


Ocean Cruise? Here are 7 Reasons To Say Yes to a Voyage on the Sea!

A cruise throughout Asia or around Australia is going to be the highlight of a holiday you didn’t even know you needed. From seeing sights that will change your life to hopping on and off dolphin cruises and whale-watching expeditions, you can pack out your cruise holiday with a ton of activities. These are the activities that will change your life. With this in mind, we’ve put together seven reasons you have to get off the fence and say yes to that holiday offer you keep spotting.


  1. Learn. You get the chance to learn so much about the world when you are on the water. You get to spend your days productively at sea, and you will learn so much while there. Often, cruise lines offer learning opportunities like classes in cooking and crafting, but they also offer “off cruise” exploration. You could be in the middle of the ocean and scuba dive from the ship. There are so many options!
  2. Food. Okay, if there is ever a reason to say yes to cruising, it’s the food. You want to eat well while you’re on holiday, and on a cruise, you’ll experience some of the tastiest meals. You can choose to eat a la carte with table service and even try out fine dining options by celebrity chefs.
  3. Activities. We talked about cooking classes and crafts, but cruises also offer a range of activities that you can take part in. From giant, impressive pools with swirly slides to spa days and theatre show, cruises are giant vessels of activity. Some waterslides are designed to give you a rush, and surf simulators and artificial beaches are all designed to allow you to have fun. 
  4. Relax. Not only can you spend all day long playing in skydiving simulators, pools and the movie theatres, but you can also relax. There are spas, poolside loungers and even poolside movie screens. You can sit out on the balcony and watch the world float by. It’s the perfect place to get some headspace! You can chill out with unlimited drinks and snacks and watch your favourite movies, and you can even head to the salon for pampering.
  5. Dance. Did you know that cruises will have some of the best Broadway shows you’ve ever seen? These big ships are built with entertainment in mind, and they have stages used by some of the most talented individuals who will put on a show for you. 
  6. Location. Your cruise choices will be primarily dictated by the parts of the world that you want to see. If you’re going to round-trip around Australia and touch on all of the most critical areas as you go, you can do it with a cruise. You can see white sugar beaches and stroll markets, meet kangaroos and enjoy time spent in the best cities in the country. Cruises can be as tailored as you like, too, and you can choose to see anywhere you want to see in Australia when you book. Remember, location matters, so you can book your holiday depending on what you want to see the most. 
  7. Exotic. Food, destinations, people – it’s all on offer when you cruise. You can go on a whale watching trips and dolphin seeing tours. You can get off the ship and soak up the locals in Rottnest Island. You could even cruise around Asia and see some of the most beautiful beaches you could ever imagine seeing. You won’t miss out on the fun when you choose to proceed over every type of holiday you have ever been on in your life. Your choice to cruise will change your life – and all you have to do is decide to go on an ocean cruise and explore it all. Taking the time to pick the right cruise is a must, and now you know why you should go!
Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling – Travel Tips

Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling – Travel Tips

It’s always the way you want to be, to make life more convenient; therefore, here are Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling.

Are you someone who’s always on the go? Or maybe you’re one of those people who can’t seem to find time for themselves even though they have more than enough hours in a day.

If so, then this post is perfect for you! Here are practical ways to enjoy yourself while travelling and still get your work done with ease.


Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling

Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling.


Go on a Solo Trip

Going solo is an excellent option if you want to see the world but don’t have a travel partner. If you can protect yourself and make sure that someone at home will know where you are always, it doesn’t matter if there’s only one person at your party or not – after all, it’s your trip!

It can also be an excellent option for those trying to avoid spending too much time with their family or significant other. Solo travelling means you get the opportunity to explore, choose hotels and restaurants that suit your preferences, spend more money on things like food and activities, and meet new people without the pressure of having to include others in your plans.


Pack All Your Favorite Clothes and Accessories

When packing for a trip, the first thing you need to do is pack all your favourite clothes and accessories. The last thing you want to worry about while travelling is what clothing will suit the climate or weather during different times of the day. It can be hard sometimes but think back on some of the outfits that have made you feel good in the past and pack them.

If you’re packing for a long trip, it may be helpful to find out what the climate of your destination is like to plan accordingly. It can also help if you know the time zone you are travelling from so that things don’t get mixed up when adjusting for the time difference.

The last thing to remember is that even if you don’t have access to a washer and dryer, it’s always helpful to pack clothes in travel-friendly fabrics like cotton or linen so they can be hand washed while travelling. And who knows? You may find your next favourite outfit on one of your adventures.

You also want to make sure you have a list of things you need before jumping on the plane! For example, it would help if you packed anything from toothpaste and shoes to chargers for your electronics. There are plenty of ways that travelling can be more enjoyable when you’re prepared with everything in advance, even if it’s just a short trip to the grocery store. 

Pack a carry-on bag with all your essentials for when you’re at the airport, and make sure you have everything packed into one or two bags, no more than that! You don’t want to be carrying around too much while travelling just in case something goes wrong or if there’s an accident.

If you’re travelling to a place with extreme weather, you must pack accordingly for the season! If it’s winter, make sure to bring warm clothes, and if it’s summertime, that means shorts, Australian sunglasses, and sunscreen! It doesn’t matter where your destination is because getting an umbrella might be helpful in any season.


Have Enough Money To Engage in Different Activities 

When travelling, it can be hard to know which activities are worth spending money on. You may not want to spend a lot of money initially because you’re unsure what you’ll enjoy and might wander around aimlessly without finding anything interesting. But, on the other hand, one thing that’s great about being in another country is getting new experiences and trying new things. So you may be able to find an activity that you enjoy, and then it’s worth spending a little extra for the experience.

Having enough money to enjoy yourself while travelling is essential to make the most of your time. You may not need to spend a lot, but it’s good to have some cash on hand if something comes up and you find an activity or place you want to try out.


Plan for Everything!

To enjoy yourself while travelling, you need to be ready. Therefore, you want to make sure your plan is as sound and has a few holes in the schedule as possible so that you end up having a perfect time! 

It’s essential to plan for your trip, as you can’t just pack up and go spontaneously. In addition, you need to make sure there is enough time between the start of work and the end date on your contract so that you can safely take vacation days. Remember, it’ll be a lot easier and less stressful if you have everything scheduled ahead of time.


Try New Things while travelling

To enjoy yourself when travelling, try new things. For example, you can experience local cuisine and visit museums that you’ve never heard of before because they’re not well-known in your home country. This way, you’ll find some hidden gems and have a more authentic travel experience.

You can also try a new sport while travelling. You’ll be with people who are experts in the field, and it will allow you to see what they do day-to-day. For example, if your trip includes a skiing holiday, go on some of the ski resort’s beginner courses which allows you to get more comfortable with the slopes and get back to your old skills.


Travel When It Is Convenient for You

Some people tend to travel when it’s the cheapest, which is usually during off-peak seasons. However, it can produce issues because hotels and attractions are often at their busiest; this might cause you to feel as if you’re always in a rush or constantly dealing with crowds of people. Ticket prices tend to be higher too sometimes.

It’s best to plan your trips when it works for you and the region you are visiting. Sometimes, the area is not as busy or crowded during a specific part of the year so that prices might be lower. In addition, the timing could mean saving money on lodging rates which can help you with budgeting because now you have more cash available for attractions, transportation, and other things.

If you are travelling by car or staying in one place for a few days, weekends might be the best time to go because there will likely be less traffic on the roads, which could save you money on gas. However, if you’re more interested in visiting different destinations, it is probably best to plan your trip when prices are lower and crowds smaller.


Shop for New Things on the Last Day of Your Travel

Plan your last day shopping for things you want to take home. It is an excellent way of taking the time to shop and find souvenirs that are more personal or meaningful than just any old thing from wherever you’ve been travelling!

Apart from buying something new, the best part about this idea is that it will be so much easier to get your luggage onto the plane at the end of your last day without it being too heavy! You might buy some new clothes, or maybe a couple of articles you liked during your trip.  It’s up to you to make this plan work for you and how far into ‘last-day shopping you want to go!


Conclusion to making Practical Ways To Enjoy Yourself While Travelling

Travelling is great. It can be an excellent way to explore new cultures and learn about the world around you while appealing for adventure.

However, it’s easy to find yourself feeling exhausted and unfulfilled within your travels without some preparation. 


Penguin Island Perth

Don’t forget your camera.


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