Wander Wisely: The Art of Travel Etiquette

Wander Wisely: The Art of Travel Etiquette

Ipoh castle

Travelling is an enriching and transformative experience that can broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and help you discover new cultures and traditions. However, as much as travel can be a source of joy, excitement, and adventure, it can also be a source of cultural misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Being an informed and respectful traveller can significantly impact how you experience and interact with the local communities you encounter. That’s where travel etiquette comes in – a set of unspoken rules and guidelines that can help you navigate new territories with grace, sensitivity, and cultural awareness.

Whether you’re a seasoned wanderlust or a first-time traveller, learning and practising travel etiquette can help you become a more thoughtful and considerate guest and ultimately enhance your adventure beyond mere sightseeing.

This blog is dedicated to all cultural enthusiasts and avid travellers passionate about exploring the world while honouring and celebrating the diversity of its people, traditions, and heritage.

Travel Etiquette

Wander Wisely: The Art of Travel Etiquette.


Introduction to Travel Etiquette

Travel etiquette goes beyond simple rule adherence; it serves as a bridge to immersive journeys, nurturing harmonious interactions and significantly impacting the local communities you engage with.

Exploring the intricacies of travel etiquette can transform your travels from mere surface-level experiences to deep connections with the diverse tapestry of global cultures and traditions, enriching your understanding and appreciation of the world.

Travel Etiquette

All smiles using Travel Etiquette.

Respecting Local Customs

One of the most crucial aspects of travel etiquette is respecting local customs and traditions. Each country has unique cultural norms, beliefs, and values that shape their way of life. As a responsible traveller, you must educate yourself about these customs before your journey begins. Understanding and following these customs shows respect for the local community and can open doors to more authentic experiences.

Attire and Behavior

Awareness of the cultural significance of the attire you wear while travelling to different parts of the world is imperative. Every culture has unique customs and traditions; respecting them, including their dress norms, is essential.

Before embarking on your trip, it is crucial to conduct thorough research on the local dressing norms of your destination. This will help you avoid any cultural misunderstandings and ensure that you dress appropriately.

In addition to dressing, physical gestures can have entirely different meanings in various parts of the world. Public displays of affection, for instance, can be perceived very differently depending on the culture. It is always advisable to exercise caution and avoid engaging in such behaviours when in doubt.

Respecting local customs and traditions is crucial when travelling to a new place. Doing so demonstrates your appreciation for the culture and builds positive relationships with the locals.

Learning Local Phrases

Incorporating local vernacular phrases like “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Hello” in your conversations can be a highly effective way of connecting with people from different cultures and communities. These phrases may seem insignificant, but they hold immense power to build bridges and create a sense of belonging and acceptance.

When you use these simple phrases, you show respect and appreciation for the local language and demonstrate your willingness to understand and embrace the culture. This, in turn, can help to foster positive relationships, facilitate communication, and create a comfortable and welcoming environment for everyone.

Thus, using local phrases is about speaking the language and building meaningful connections with the people you encounter. It is a small yet significant step towards promoting cultural awareness and breaking down barriers that divide us.

Being Mindful of Noise Levels

When travelling to foreign countries, it’s crucial to remember the potential impact of your volume during conversations. The level of noise you make can have a significant effect, and it’s essential to be mindful of how others might perceive it.

In many cultures, loudness is viewed as disruptive and impolite, whether in a serene temple or a bustling bazaar. Even laughter might be seen as excessive or rude in certain cultures.

To avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable or causing any offence, it’s best to match your noise level to your surroundings. This approach will help you respect the local culture and enjoy your travels without misunderstandings.

Responsible Trash Disposal

When we travel, we have the opportunity to experience new places, cultures, and environments. However, it’s important to remember that our choices as travellers impact the sustainability of these places.

To be responsible and eco-friendly travellers, we should leave only footprints behind and dispose of our trash responsibly. This means packing a reusable water bottle and avoiding single-use plastics whenever possible. It also means taking our trash with us if no waste bins are available so as not to leave any litter behind.

In addition, we can minimize our environmental impact by participating in beach cleanups or other ecological initiatives while travelling. By being mindful of our choices and reducing our environmental impact, we can help ensure that the places we cherish remain beautiful and sustainable for generations.

Travel Etiquette

Respect the local customs when travelling abroad.



Cultural Sensitivity

Travelling to a new place means being exposed to diverse customs and beliefs. It’s essential to approach these with sensitivity and an open mind, even if they may initially seem unfamiliar or strange. Remember that your way of life is not the only valid one, and respecting and embracing cultural differences is crucial.

Patience and Understanding

As you embark on your journey, it’s important to remember that patience is not just a mere virtue but a crucial aspect of travelling. Take a deep breath and remain composed when faced with unexpected delays or language barriers.

Your positive attitude and understanding demeanour can effectively transcend verbal divides, establishing a connection with locals that goes beyond words. As a guest in someone else’s home, it’s vital to adapt to their way of life and respect their traditions and practices.

Please keep an open mind and be willing to learn from the locals, who can offer invaluable insights into their community and culture. By embracing their customs and practices, you will better appreciate their way of life and enrich your travel experience.

Respecting Personal Space

The concept of personal space is an intriguing cultural phenomenon that differs from one country to another. In some cultures, people tend to stand close to each other while conversing; in others, they prefer to maintain a greater distance.

It is essential to be mindful of personal boundaries and avoid intruding into someone else’s space. Moreover, it is necessary to note that physical touch is a cultural aspect that varies from country to country.

Different cultures have different attitudes towards physical contact, and asking for permission before hugging or touching someone in a foreign country is vital. By respecting these cultural norms, we can avoid causing offence or discomfort to others.

Understanding Social Norms

It is imperative to realize that each culture has its own unique set of social norms that govern how individuals interact and behave with one another. Before visiting a new country, conducting thorough research and understanding these norms is vital.

For instance, in some cultures, it is considered a discourteous gesture to point with your finger or show the soles of your feet. By understanding these social norms in-depth, you can avoid accidentally offending and display your admiration for the local culture.

It is an excellent way to exhibit your genuine interest in the customs and traditions of the country you are visiting.

Seeking Permission for Photos

When trying to capture the perfect photo, it’s essential to be mindful of the subject’s autonomy and respect their culture and beliefs. Photography is more than just pointing a camera and clicking; it’s an art that requires observation and sensitivity.

Before taking someone’s photo, it’s always best to ask for permission first. Not only is this a sign of respect, but it also shows that you value the subject’s privacy and personal space. In some places, photos of religious sites or cultural events are prohibited. It’s essential to be aware of these restrictions and to honour them.

By respecting the local customs and rules, you can avoid causing offence or disrespect. When taking photos, it’s also important to remember that a smile and genuine interest can go a long way in getting the perfect shot. You can capture more than just a photo by engaging with your subject and showing that you care about their story. You can catch a moment in time that tells a story and evokes emotion.

Finally, if you plan to share your photos on social media, having the subject’s permission first is crucial. This common courtesy protects the subject’s privacy and personal information. By requesting consent, you show that you value the subject’s autonomy and respect their right to control their image.

travel to kathmandu

Travel to Kathmandu and witness culture at its very finest.



Interactions and Transactions

When interacting with locals, be mindful of cultural differences and communication styles. In some cultures, haggling for a lower price while shopping at markets is expected. However, in other cultures, this may be considered rude or disrespectful. Do your research beforehand to understand how locals prefer to conduct transactions and interact with visitors.

Embrace New Experiences

Travelling is a captivating way to explore the unknown, indulge in exotic cuisines and immerse oneself in the richness of diverse cultures. One should always be open to new experiences and embrace the thrill of the unfamiliar.

This can lead to discovering hidden interests and meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds. It is vital to understand that stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing the limits of your beliefs and perspectives is essential to embracing new experiences.

By doing so, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities that would have otherwise remained unexplored.

Tipping Practices

When travelling to a new place, you must familiarize yourself with the local customs, including tipping practices. The decision of whether or not to tip can be confusing, and getting it wrong can lead to embarrassment or offence. In some countries, tipping is expected and included in the bill; in others, it’s not customary.

Understanding the local norms is crucial to avoid under or over-tipping. If you’re unsure what to do, there are a few ways to navigate the situation. Firstly, you can observe the locals and follow their lead. This can be a good strategy, especially if you’re in a new place for the first time.

Alternatively, you can seek advice from someone you trust, such as a hotel concierge or a local guide, to better understand the local customs. Remember, tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, and it’s always good to be prepared so that you can do it appropriately.


Haggling Etiquette

When shopping in many countries, it’s common to bargain to reach a mutually agreeable price. However, it’s essential to approach the process with the goal of a fair price rather than simply the lowest possible one. Respectfully haggling is crucial to ensure the buyer and seller maintain their dignity.

This means being polite throughout the process. To make a reasonable offer, it’s essential to understand the item’s market value. This can be obtained by researching prices beforehand or by asking for advice from locals.

However, it’s important to remember that many vendors rely on their earnings to make a living. Therefore, it’s essential to be mindful of this when negotiating. Avoid pushing too hard, as this can be seen as disrespectful and may cause the seller to become defensive.

Finally, it’s essential to keep the interaction friendly and light-hearted. Bargaining can be a fun experience when approached correctly. Being friendly and respectful makes it possible to build a connection with the seller and leave with a fair deal.

Travel Etiquette

Watch the haggling when shopping at local markets.



Conclusion to Travel Etiquette

If you hold these etiquette suggestions close to your heart, your journeys will be enriched with captivating tales of heartfelt receptions and shared gratitude.

When you prepare for your upcoming adventure, remember that the interpersonal bond you forge is the most precious keepsake. Through purposeful and respectful travel, you craft unforgettable stories and represent the global community.

Show reverence for the local inhabitants, embrace the cultural traditions, and let your travels be a source of enrichment. Venture into the unknown, allow yourself to dream, and embark on a journey of discovery, but above all, do so with mindful exploration and thoughtful consideration.

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Travel etiquette, it lives in you.

Navigating the Skies: The Art of Airline Etiquette

Navigating the Skies: The Art of Airline Etiquette

Dreaded Red eye flight

Air travel is not just a mode of transportation; it’s an exhilarating journey that bridges us to far-flung destinations and thrilling escapades. 

Amidst the anticipation and wonder that fills the air, there exists an unspoken but vital social contract known as airline etiquette. This etiquette, a subtle yet significant aspect of air travel, is crucial in ensuring a harmonious experience for passengers. 

Whether you’re a seasoned jet-setter with countless miles or a leisurely explorer embarking on a new adventure, grasping and practising good etiquette in the skies can elevate the travel experience for all onboard. 

Let’s delve into the nuances of airline etiquette and uncover how adhering to these unspoken rules can transform your journey into a more pleasant and seamless voyage. 

So, fasten your seatbelt, stow away your tray table, and prepare to soar through the skies with grace and consideration.



Airline Etiquette

Navigating the Skies: The Art of Airline Etiquette.


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Introduction of Airline Etiquette

Good etiquette is crucial during air travel as it enhances comfort and fosters respect among fellow passengers and crew members. Exercising considerate behaviour in the confined space of an aeroplane at 30,000 feet goes beyond mere politeness. It creates a harmonious environment that everyone on board can appreciate and enjoy, making the journey more comfortable and enjoyable for all.

To guarantee a courteous and enjoyable experience for all, it is crucial to be aware of basic etiquette principles. These include showing respect for personal space, refraining from loud conversations or noises, and adhering to safety instructions from the crew. Moreover, it is important to be punctual, as tardiness can lead to delays and inconvenience for other passengers.

By working together and following these guidelines, we can collectively make air travel a more pleasant experience for everyone involved. So let’s show respect and consideration to our fellow passengers and crew members and make the skies friendlier.



airline etiquette

An introduction to airline etiquette.



Seat Etiquette

Let’s delve into the essential seat etiquette guidelines to keep in mind for a comfortable and pleasant flight experience.


Mindful Reclining

Reclining your seat might seem like a small comfort on a long flight, but it can be quite invasive for the person behind you. Before you push that button, glance back and consider the impact on the person behind you. 

A simple acknowledgment or a short conversation might make a significant difference in creating a more pleasant flying experience for both of you. Remember to recline slowly and only as far as necessary to avoid causing discomfort or accidentally spilling drinks. 

It’s all about finding that balance of comfort and consideration for your fellow passengers.


Using Headphones for Entertainment

While we all cherish various forms of entertainment, it’s crucial to be mindful of others’ personal space in the confined environment of an aeroplane cabin. To guarantee a harmonious journey for all passengers, headphones are highly recommended when indulging in movies or music. 

Should you forget your headphones, rest assured that most airlines are equipped to provide complimentary ones upon request. Feel free to reach out to the cabin crew for assistance without hesitation!


Be Wary of your Surroundings 

It’s natural to want to stretch out your legs during a long flight, but be mindful of the person in front of you. Constantly kicking or pushing against their seat can be incredibly disruptive and unpleasant for them.

Instead, try to find alternative ways to stretch your legs, such as standing up and walking around the cabin occasionally. This gives your legs a break and improves blood circulation, keeping you more comfortable throughout the flight.


Respect Personal Space

We all have different levels of personal space, and it’s crucial to respect that on a cramped aeroplane. Avoid leaning or hogging onto armrests, and be mindful when getting up from your seat. A simple “excuse me” can create a more pleasant experience for your fellow passengers.

Also, keep your belongings within your designated space and avoid infringing on others’ areas. This includes using the overhead bins sparingly and not placing bags or jackets on empty seats next to you.



airline etiquette

Be courteous to everyone on your flight.



Behavior Etiquette

Behaviour is crucial when taking to the skies. Let’s delve into how airline etiquette plays a significant role in this context.


Speaking Volume and Audio Etiquette

Flights offer an excellent opportunity to catch up with your friends or colleagues while travelling to your destination. However, it’s important to remember that the cabin is a shared space where passengers have different preferences. 

To ensure a comfortable flight for everyone, it’s advisable to keep your conversations at a moderate volume, especially during night flights when others may be trying to rest and sleep peacefully. 

Being considerate of your fellow passengers can contribute to a pleasant flying experience for all on board.


Respecting Crew Instructions

Aeroplane crew members are highly trained professionals with expertise in ensuring our safety and comfort throughout the flight. Their dedication to keeping passengers secure is unwavering. It is crucial to follow their instructions without hesitation attentively. 

Their guidance becomes even more critical in an emergency, as their experience and knowledge can make a significant difference. Furthermore, during routine service, displaying respect and gratitude towards them acknowledges their hard work and makes their demanding role more fulfilling and appreciated by passengers.  


Showing Patients boarding and departing your flight

As a passenger, it’s essential to recognize that boarding and exiting a flight can be a stressful experience for both customers and crew members. Therefore, displaying patience in these situations is crucial. 

Being patient during boarding allows everyone to board efficiently and quickly, minimizing delays and ensuring an on-time departure. Similarly, while disembarking the aircraft, being considerate of others and avoiding rushing can make the process smoother for everyone involved. 

Also, remember to thank the crew members upon departure for their service and assistance during your flight. A simple gesture of appreciation can go a long way in creating a positive travel experience for all.




Be patient and respectful when boarding your flight.



Community Etiquette

Let’s delve into the importance of community etiquette and its impact on your flight experience with the details provided below.


Assisting Fellow Travelers

Flight travel can often be a stressful experience for many passengers. However, a simple act of kindness can have a significant impact amidst the hustle and bustle of airports and aeroplanes. 

For instance, offering to assist someone in lifting their heavy bag into the overhead bin lightens their load and shows empathy and support. Similarly, swapping seats to ensure a family can sit together may seem like a small gesture. Still, it contributes to fostering a sense of community and togetherness in the confined space of an aircraft. 

These thoughtful actions not only brighten someone’s day but also have the potential to inspire a ripple effect of kindness, encouraging others to pay it forward and create a more pleasant travel environment for all.


Managing Children’s Behavior

Travelling with children can indeed pose some unique challenges for parents or guardians. It becomes crucial to ensure that children are engaged and well-behaved during the journey to prevent disruptions. In addition to bringing along books and games or downloading their favourite shows for entertainment, having snacks and toys handy can also make a difference. 

Being attentive to a child’s needs is critical, and addressing any discomfort promptly helps the child and contributes to a more pleasant travel experience for everyone on board. Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip with your little ones! 

Additionally, some airlines offer special services for families, such as pre-boarding or extra amenities. Check with your airline beforehand and use these resources to make your trip more comfortable.


 Respect for Different Cultures in Airline Travel

As air travel connects people worldwide, it is essential to be mindful of cultural differences and show respect towards them. Awareness of cultural norms and customs can help avoid misunderstandings or unintentional offences. It is also essential to recognize that these differences enrich our travel experiences and should be embraced rather than ignored.

One way to show respect for different cultures while travelling is by learning a few key phrases in the local language. Expressions like “hello,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” can go a long way in showing that you are making an effort to understand and adapt to the culture. Additionally, respecting personal space and avoiding loud or disruptive behaviour can demonstrate consideration for cultural differences.


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Conclusion to Airline Etiquette 

Mastering the unspoken rules of airline etiquette is a beautiful gift that benefits both yourself and fellow travellers. It enhances the travel experience, promoting a culture of mutual respect and kindness. 

So, on your upcoming flight, embrace the chance to embody good manners and positively influence the skies. 

Let’s strive for flights where every passenger lands with a smile, fostering a warm, welcoming ambience that resonates throughout the journey. Join me in spreading goodwill in the air!


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Flights to Con Dao Island

Get ready to fly and show airline etiquette.

How to Surprise Your Partner with a Perfect Valentine’s Weekend Escapade

How to Surprise Your Partner with a Perfect Valentine’s Weekend Escapade

Melbourne itinerary

After the fun and excitement of Christmas and New Year, Valentine’s Day comes around quickly. It can feel like you’ve only just taken down your Christmas decorations when it is time to start planning to surprise your loved one with thoughtful gifts and romantic experiences.

As a result, it is always worth getting ahead of the game and planning something memorable as early as possible. If you want to make this Valentine’s Day extra special, here are a few ideas for planning a romantic getaway that is truly unforgettable and out of the ordinary. 


 Perfect Valentine's Weekend Escapade

How to Surprise Your Partner with a Perfect Valentine’s Weekend Escapade



Destination Discovery: Choose a Romantic Locale

The first thing to consider when planning a Valentine’s weekend escape is where you want to go. Whether it’s something grand like a perfect excursion on a Nassau weekend cruise or something simple like a quaint countryside retreat, putting some thought into the destination is vital.

It should be somewhere your partner will love to go, perhaps somewhere meaningful for you both as a couple and somewhere that offers the opportunity to indulge your shared passions. 


Hidden Gems: Find Unique Accommodations

Alongside choosing the destination carefully, picking unique and exciting accommodations can make a considerable difference to a romantic getaway. Finding a cozy seaside bed-and-breakfast, a luxury boutique hotel, or an unusual mountain lodge can add a new level of enjoyment to your Valentine’s escapade.


Culinary Delights: Plan a Romantic Dinner

Taking your partner out for a romantic dinner is one of the best things you can do for Valentine’s Day, wherever you are, and is a vital part of any weekend adventure. With a bit of research, you will always be able to find restaurants that offer a combination of romance, luxury, and exquisite cuisine, and a carefully planned dining experience is a beautiful touch for a Valentine’s weekend. 


Melbourne Itinerary

Enjoy a romantic cruise on the Yarra River in Melbourne.



Thoughtful Gestures: Don’t Forget the Personal

A romantic Valentine’s getaway must include grand experiences and once-in-a-lifetime activities. Still, it should also be full of more minor, thoughtful gestures and surprises that only really make sense for you and your partner but are all the more remarkable because of it.

This might be a few hand-written notes, a personalized playlist, or some specific snacks your loved one can’t do without. Paying attention to the minor details can raise the romance level incredibly and make a weekend away memorable.


Capture the Moment: Hire a Photographer

It can be tricky to remember to take enough photographs while enjoying yourself, but they are a crucial part of making beautiful memories. Hiring a professional photographer might seem a little extra, but it is a great way to ensure you have tangible reminders of your special weekend.

You could book a couple’s photoshoot alongside a series of more candid snaps, and you’ll always have something to remember this particular time with. 


Morning Bliss: Surprise Breakfast in Bed

Nothing says romance like surprising your partner with breakfast in bed. If you are staying in a hotel, you can almost always arrange for this to be delivered to your room, or you can do it yourself with flair and a few personal touches if you are self-catering. It is a beautiful way to set the tone for your day of pampering and romance. 


A Summary of a  Perfect Valentine’s Weekend Escapade

In conclusion, surprising your partner with Valentine’s escapade is a magical way to commemorate your love for one another. It’s a chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bask in each other’s company.

From charming bed and breakfasts to adventurous hiking trails, there are endless possibilities for creating unforgettable moments on a special weekend away. And let’s not forget about the delicious food and decadent chocolates that will make the getaway even sweeter. But beyond the physical elements, this kind of romantic gesture ultimately serves as a reminder of the depth and uniqueness of your connection.

So why not take the plunge and plan a surprise trip for your loved one this Valentine’s Day? After all, what better way to express your love than by creating new memories in a beautiful destination surrounded by love? So start brainstorming ideas and book that dreamy vacation – you won’t regret it! Trust us, this unique Valentine’s escapade will surely be an adventure worth cherishing for years.


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Perfect Valentine's Weekend Escapade

Take a romantic escape in Bali for a perfect Valentine’s weekend escape.

10 Couple Retreat Ideas – Quick and Easy Guide to Be Romantic

10 Couple Retreat Ideas – Quick and Easy Guide to Be Romantic

things to do in esperance

Planning some alone time with your significant other can do wonders for strengthening your relationship and reconnecting emotionally. However, carving out that time can be challenging with busy schedules and countless distractions.

That’s where a romantic couple’s retreat comes in – it’s the perfect way to sneak away from it all and focus solely on each other without hassle or planning. A retreat doesn’t need to be an expensive international vacation either; plenty of quick and easy ideas in your backyard can make you feel like you’ve escaped it all.

This post explores ten low-effort yet high-impact couple retreat ideas you can do locally on a weekend getaway or even overnight. From cozy mountain cabins to beachfront cottages, I’ll outline the essential steps to set the mood and maximize your quality time together for each scenic spot.



Couple Retreat Ideas

10 Couple Retreat Ideas – Quick and Easy Guide to Be Romantic.



10 Couple Retreat Ideas – Quick and Easy Guide to Be Romantic

Are you looking for a romantic escape with your significant other? Our quick guide has simple, affordable ideas for a memorable couple’s retreat. Hold your partner’s hand and explore our top picks.


1. Plan a surprise picnic in a scenic location.

Are you searching for the perfect couple retreat idea? Why not plan a surprise picnic in a scenic location? Not only will the breathtaking scenery provide a tranquil backdrop for your romantic outing, but planning a surprise picnic will surely impress your significant other.

Choose a location that is meaningful to both of you, a spot you’ve visited before or one that holds sentimental value. Pack a basket filled with their favourite snacks, bubbly drinks, and a cozy blanket to snuggle up on.

With nature surrounding you, there’s no better way to disconnect from the world and reconnect with your partner.



2. Book a romantic staycation at a local hotel or Airbnb.

It’s time to treat your special someone to a romantic staycation that will leave both of you feeling refreshed and renewed. Consider booking a luxurious hotel or cozy Airbnb in your local area to escape from the usual routine and enjoy each other’s company.

Whether you’re looking for an intimate weekend away or a relaxing night together, the possibilities for a couple of retreat ideas are endless. Sip champagne while gazing into each other’s eyes, enjoy a couples massage, or stroll to explore the local sights and sounds.

Whatever your preferences, a romantic staycation is the perfect way to show your love and affection for your partner.



3. Cook a romantic dinner together at home using only ingredients from your pantry.

Cooking a romantic dinner together at home can be a fun and creative way to bond with your significant other. With only ingredients from your pantry, you can unleash your culinary imagination and impress your partner with your skills in the kitchen.

The possibilities are endless, from making homemade pasta to whipping a delicious dessert. Pick a recipe you and your partner would enjoy and work together to create an unforgettable meal.

Cooking together can also be a great way to communicate and spend quality time together. So grab your aprons, turn up the music, and get ready for a romantic evening for two!


Couple Retreat Ideas

Enjoy a romantic dinner as part of your relationship building.


4. Go stargazing in your backyard or at a nearby park.

If you’re looking for the perfect couple retreat idea, why not try stargazing in your backyard or a nearby park? Something is mesmerizing about looking up at the night sky and seeing the countless stars twinkling above.

It’s a simple but romantic way to spend quality time with your partner. All around the world, people have looked up at the stars and found inspiration, guidance and entertainment.

So why not give it a try? With a little bit of patience, a warm blanket, and maybe some hot cocoa, you and your loved one can enjoy the magic of the cosmos together. Grab a telescope, pack a picnic and prepare for a night of wonder beneath the stars.


5. Take a dance lesson together and learn a new dance style.

Are you looking for a couple of retreat ideas that are active and fun? Why not take a dance lesson together and learn a new dance style? Dancing is a great way to connect with your partner, get some exercise, and try something new.

Whether you want to learn salsa, tango, or hip-hop, dance studios and instructors can teach you the steps and moves. You don’t have to be an experienced dancer to enjoy a dance lesson. The beginner classes are often the most fun and relaxed.

So, why not wear your dancing shoes and enjoy a night of fun and romance with your partner?



6. Write love letters to each other and exchange them over dinner.

There’s something special about the art of letter writing. It’s personal, intimate, and a great way to express your deepest emotions. Imagine sitting across from your loved one, exchanging handwritten love letters over a candlelit dinner.

The anticipation of finally reading their words and the joy of sharing your own is enough to make anyone’s heart skip a beat. It’s a simple but excellent way to show your love and appreciation for one another.

So put pen to paper and let your heart pour out your feelings. You’ll both cherish those letters for years to come.



7. Have a movie marathon with your favourite rom-com.

Are you looking for a fun and cozy way to spend quality time with your significant other? Why not plan a movie marathon filled with your favourite romantic comedies? Snuggle up on the couch with blankets and popcorn and escape into love and laughter.

Which rom-coms to choose? Start with classics like “When Harry Met Sally” or “Pretty Woman,” and then mix in some newer favourites like “Crazy Rich Asians” or “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.” With a movie marathon, you won’t even have to leave the house and can enjoy an easy and affordable couple retreat idea.

Dim the lights, grab some snacks and red wine, and prepare for a night of romance and laughter.



8. Create an at-home spa day with homemade face masks and massages.

Are you and your significant other needing a bit of R&R but don’t have the budget for a fancy spa weekend? Look no further than your own home for the perfect couple’s retreat.

Put on your fair dinkum traveller hat and create your at-home spa day with homemade face masks and massages. Whip up some easy DIY face masks using ingredients from your kitchen, like honey, oatmeal, and avocado.

Then, take turns giving each other massages with some soothing essential oils. Dim the lights, turn on some relaxing music, and enjoy a day of pampering without breaking the bank. Who said you need to travel far to experience luxury?



9. Plan a day trip to explore new places near you.

Escape the routine and plan a day trip to explore new places near you for the perfect couple retreat. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, plenty of options exist. Why not hit the hiking trails and immerse yourselves in nature?

Or take a scenic drive and explore the hidden gems of your local area. You could plan a picnic in a beautiful park or check out the local shops and museums. The possibilities are endless, and the memories made will be priceless.

End your day with a romantic dinner at a cozy restaurant or stay for a sunset view. Embark on a new adventure together and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.



10. Play tourist in your city and visit famous attractions you haven’t been to before

Are you seeking a unique couple retreat idea that won’t break the bank? Why not play tourist in your city and visit famous attractions you haven’t been to before?

Many of us overlook our towns’ unique sites and activities simply because we’ve grown accustomed to them being there. You and your partner may discover a newfound appreciation for the place you call home by exploring new spots in your town.

Plus, you’ll be able to save money on travel expenses without sacrificing the joy of exploring new places together. So, grab a map and your sense of adventure, and start planning your next local excursion today.




Love is in the air, so create couples retreat ideas and take the next step in your relationship.



Why Have a Couples Retreat?

Couples retreats can be an excellent way to enhance your relationship and create unforgettable memories with your partner. They provide a much-needed escape from our busy daily routines and allow us to concentrate on each other.

Whether trying new experiences, discovering new places, or simply spending quality time together, couples retreats offer a chance to reconnect and reinvigorate your bond whether you travel near or afar.

By prioritizing our relationships and creating meaningful experiences, we can strengthen the foundation of our relationship and build a solid base for a happy and healthy partnership.


The Importance of Keeping the Romance Alive in Relationships 

Relationships are complex and require constant work, especially when keeping the romance alive. It’s easy to get lost in the daily routine and forget the thrill of being in love.

However, romance is essential to any relationship as it injects passion, intimacy, and affection. It involves acts of love, both big and small, that make one’s partner feel unique and cherished.

Keeping the romance alive is vital because it helps both individuals feel connected and respected and keeps the spark alive. How we express our love keeps us bonded and committed to each other.

Therefore, taking the time to surprise your partner, going on dates, flirting, and telling your love is essential to keeping the romance alive.


Benefits of Planning Couple Retreats 

Taking a break together can benefit your relationship significantly, especially when planning couple retreats. These retreats allow couples to escape their everyday stresses and rediscover their love for each other in an intimate, relaxed setting.

Retreats can be customized to suit every couple’s needs and interests, whether they crave adventure or want to enjoy quality time alone. The benefits of planning a couple’s retreat can include improved communication, strengthened emotional connections, and the chance to create lasting memories together.

So why take time out of your busy lives to invest in your relationship and plan an unforgettable couple’s retreat?


How To Make Time for Romance Despite Busy Schedules 

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for romance can be challenging with work schedules, social commitments, and family responsibilities. No wonder many people feel they need more time or energy for romance. However, with some creativity and planning, it is possible to make time for romance despite your busy schedule.

Whether scheduling a regular date night, taking a romantic weekend getaway, or simply making time each day to connect with your partner, you can use various strategies to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

So, don’t give up on romance if you’re overwhelmed by your busy schedule. With a little effort, you can create the time and space you need to nurture your relationship and keep the romance alive.


Budget-Friendly Ideas for Romantic Getaways

Sometimes, the pressures of daily life can leave us feeling like we need a romantic getaway, but the expenses of a luxurious retreat are hard to justify. Thankfully, there are many budget-friendly options available that still offer the feel of a classic romantic trip.

Whether heading to a nearby town or staying in a rustic cabin, many creative ways exist to impress your loved one without breaking the bank. After all, it’s not always about how much you spend, but the time you spend together that creates the most cherished memories.

So, plan your next romantic escape with these budget-friendly ideas and get ready to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.



roamntic getaway

Let love be the potion on your next romantic getaway.



A Summary of Finding Creative Couples Retreat Ideas

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for our relationships to take a backseat as we deal with the demands of work and daily life. But it’s important to remember that nurturing our relationships is vital to their longevity and happiness.

That’s why I shared with you these ten romantic ideas for couple retreats: from a surprise picnic in a scenic location to playing tourist in your city, each idea is meant to spark joy and bring you closer together.

So whether you have a whole weekend or just an evening to spare, make an effort to plan something special with your partner. After all, taking the time for romance can reignite the fire in your relationship and create lasting memories.

And who knows, this will inspire you to develop even more creative ways to keep the romance alive. Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant – small gestures and quality time together genuinely matter.

So go ahead and book that staycation or plan that day trip – your relationship deserves it! Keep the love burning and fair dinkum traveller; always make time for each other. Thank you for reading, and happy couple retreat planning!



Nannup Hideaway

Spoil the love you love with a glass of wine and a spa.

How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

Phang nga bay

Travel insurance is usually the last thing on an adventurer’s mind when planning a trip. More often, we’re getting excited about all the incredible destinations we’re about to explore and the fun things we’ll do. After all, planning a trip and looking forward to it is half the fun.

But one aspect of trip planning is decidedly less fun than the rest: researching travel insurance. 

Yet this oft-neglected step is perhaps the most essential part of your trip planning process

I’ve relied on my travel insurance in several countries around the world, from medical emergencies like when I popped an eardrum in Thailand to mishaps like when I broke my camera in Italy and theft like when my luggage got stolen in South Africa.

I never travel without travel insurance, and I recommend that every other traveller does the same. Broken bones can cost thousands of dollars. Emergency evacuations can cost hundreds of thousands (that’s not an exaggeration either). I know it’s not fun to think about, but I’ve learned from experience that it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

While picking the right insurance policy can seem daunting (many companies out there), it doesn’t have to be. 

In this post, I’ll break down everything you need to know about picking a good travel insurance plan so you can save money and travel confidently, knowing that you’re covered should something happen during your trip.



How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan and enjoy smiles on vacation.



Step 1. Understand What Travel Insurance Is (And Why You Need It)

Travel insurance provides support, compensation, and medical care when things go wrong on the road. A good policy reimburses you for everything from lost luggage to injuries, trip interruptions, and cancellations. 

In a nutshell, travel insurance is an all-purpose emergency safety net. It ensures you don’t lose much money for expensive medical bills or replace your possessions if they get lost/stolen/damaged. 

I like to think of it this way: I wouldn’t drive a car without car insurance or own a home without home insurance. Why travel the world without travel insurance?

You might think, “Well, medical expenses are cheaper in other parts of the world, so I can just pay for it out of pocket.”

Not exactly.

Broken bones in much of the world can cost thousands to fix. Suppose you’re seriously ill and must go home for specialty care; medical transport costs add up quickly no matter where you are. In that case, these expenses can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars (emergency evacuations can cost as much as $200,000-300,000 USD!).

It’s precisely for this reason that I never leave home without travel insurance.

That said, every single travel insurance policy is different. So, before you head out, it’s essential to understand what to look for in a policy and what you can expect to be covered by your plan.

A Note About Credit Card Insurance: Some travel credit cards, such as the Chase Sapphire Reserve, cover (some) medical emergencies, but these cards also come with a high annual fee that prices out many travellers. Additionally, cards are notoriously stingy about paying out medical claims, and premium cards are only available to travellers from the US.

In short, while credit card travel insurance is a nice perk, I don’t rely on it for my primary coverage. You shouldn’t either.


Step 2. Understand What Travel Insurance Typically Covers 

No matter what company or policy you choose (I recommend some of my favourites below), you’ll want to ensure it covers a few different areas. 

First, look at the medical expense coverage limit. Medical coverage is one of the primary reasons for getting travel insurance, so you don’t want to skimp on this one. A good company provides at least USD 100,000 in coverage, though more expensive policies cover you for higher amounts (some offer up to USD 2,000,000, though that’s overkill unless you’re on a super luxe trip!). 

Second, in addition to hospital costs, ensure your travel insurance policy covers emergency evacuation (usually to the nearest acceptable medical facility). If you get into an accident while riding a moped around remote rural roads in Thailand, your policy should transport you to the nearest hospital so you can be looked after. 

However, it’s important to note that standard emergency evacuation coverage only gets you to the nearest acceptable facility. Moving from there will only be covered if your travel insurance deems your current facility inadequate for your needed care. 

For example, if you break your leg abroad, most insurance policies will pay your hospital bills. However, they won’t pay for you to get home since it’s not a life-threatening injury requiring advanced care.

If you’d prefer not to stay in a foreign hospital for treatment and recovery, you should investigate a medical transport membership program like Medjet. They ensure that should you be hospitalized abroad, you’ll be able to be repatriated — something many travel insurance policies can’t guarantee. (You can read more about their policies in this Medjet review.)

All in all, a good travel insurance plan should include and cover the following:

  • Medical emergencies
  • 24-hour emergency services and assistance 
  • Natural disasters and extreme civil unrest
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Trip cancellation & delay
  • Lost, damaged, or stolen goods 
  • Compensation for death or dismemberment 
  • Repatriation of your body should the worst happen 
  • Car rental collision coverage (if you plan on renting one) 

For all the above areas, different companies have different monetary limits and scope of coverage. Overall, the more expensive a policy, the more comprehensive the range is about balancing your comfort level with what you’re willing to pay. Plans generally cost anywhere from $40-500 USD per month, depending on where you’re going, what’s included, and whether or not there is a deductible.



How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

Understand why travel insurance is always important when travelling.



Step 3. Understand What Travel Insurance Does NOT Cover 

While it’s essential to understand what your plan covers, you must also understand what it doesn’t cover. Whenever I get emails from disgruntled readers upset about their insurance claim being rejected, the reason usually turns out to be that they only looked at what was covered and didn’t carefully consider what wasn’t covered. 

Travel insurance is meant to cover unintended emergencies and accidents that happen on the road. That means it typically does not cover anything that could have been preventable, such as if you get drunk and break your arm attempting to do a handstand on the hostel bar. 

Travel insurance also doesn’t cover routine checkups or pre-existing conditions. If you’re an expat or digital nomad and want a global health plan that covers non-emergency care, you need a completely different plan from regular traveller insurance. 

Generally, travel insurance won’t cover you for any of the following: 

  • Alcohol- or drug-related incidents
  • Carelessness in handling your possessions and baggage (that includes if your bags get stolen if you leave them unattended)
  • General recklessness (as you can imagine, this one is hugely subjective)
  • Pre-existing conditions or general check-ups
  • Lost or stolen cash
  • If civil unrest makes your destination unsafe, but your government hasn’t called for an evacuation.

Some of the more comprehensive policies will cover some of these; however, your standard budget insurance won’t. 

Once you understand what travel insurance typically does and doesn’t cover, look into the finer details and read the fine print. After all, the devil is in the details, so never buy a plan without reading the full policy.



Step 4. Make Sure Your Travel Insurance Covers Covid-19 

One of those details in the fine print that we all used to skip over but now must (unfortunately) consider is pandemic coverage.

Now that COVID-19 has been a part of our lives, most travel insurance companies have adapted their policies to include some coverage for COVID-19. However, the type of coverage offered can vary wildly depending on the company and policy. 

This coverage may include testing costs, trip cancellation or delay, hospitalization costs, and/or transportation home. Some policies also cover expenses if you need to extend your trip to quarantine abroad. 

Since the global situation is constantly shifting, policies can change anytime. Ensure that you’ve familiarized yourself with the most updated coverage for COVID-19 when choosing a travel insurance plan. Never make assumptions! 

Again, this is why it’s always best to check the fine print before purchasing a policy. Being confident in your plan will also make the claims process that much easier should you find yourself having to make a claim.  


 How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

Travel in style and comfort with the knowledge you have found the ideal travel insurance plan.



Step 5. Review the Claims Process 

While it may involve a lot of paperwork and documentation, it’s generally relatively easy to file insurance claims. Most companies offer the ability to do so online. And though it might seem like overkill to review the claims process before even purchasing a plan, you’ll want to know ahead of time if the process is straightforward. If it’s difficult even to figure out what’s required when you’re not in an emergency, then that’s probably not a plan you want to go with. 

In less severe situations, you generally need to pay for the costs upfront, collect receipts, and then claim reimbursement from the company afterwards. That’s why it’s so important to keep all documentation, file any necessary police reports, and save all receipts. Companies don’t reimburse you based on your word. Keep documentation!

You (or someone else) would contact your travel insurance company’s emergency assistance team for significant emergencies. Every insurance company has a 24-hour emergency contact number. I always suggest travellers save this number on their phones to be safe (have your family and travel partners keep it, too). 

Once you contact the team, they help make arrangements and approve costs.

To help you with this, you should always do the following:

  1. Take photos of all your gear and items before your trip. If your bag goes missing, you have photo evidence of what is inside. Email these photos to yourself so you can access them even if you don’t have your phone or computer.
  2. If you’re bringing electronics (phone, laptop, etc.), email yourself the purchase receipts for those items so you can submit them for reimbursement should your gear be lost, stolen, or damaged.
  3. Take photos of any documentation (police reports, hospital bills, etc.) and email them to yourself. Again, that way, you’ll have digital copies available if you need to make a claim.



Step 6. Compare Recommended Companies 

There are tons of travel insurance companies — it’s a billion-dollar industry. Here are the companies I use and recommend to help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Each offers something different, so one might be better for you than another, depending on your needs.

SafetyWingSafety Wing is my go-to suggestion for budget travellers. They offer convenient and affordable plans tailored to budget travellers, especially long-term and digital nomad plans. They have some of the cheapest monthly plans (as little as USD 42 per month), excellent customer service, and an easy-to-use online claims process. 

You can read more about their pros and cons in this SafetyWing review.

World NomadsWorld Nomads is another excellent insurance company I have used for many years. It’s ideal for backpackers and mid-range travellers who want delay and cancellation coverage, some coverage for gear, and/or higher-risk adventure activities. While it’s almost triple the price of SafetyWing, you get much more coverage; it’s a more comprehensive choice for travellers who want additional peace of mind and have the budget to pay for it.

MedjetMedjet is a membership program that does one thing, and one thing well – bringing you home. Most travel insurance policies will only get you home if they deem it medically necessary, such as if the hospital can’t treat the issue you’re dealing with. Medjet brings you home no matter what. They’re super affordable, too, with annual memberships costing just USD 295.

Insured NomadsInsured Nomads offers travel insurance comparable to World Nomads; however, where they stand out is with their coverage for digital nomads. They offer plans similar to health insurance back home so that you are covered for both emergency and non-emergency situations. While their goals aren’t cheap, the expanded coverage is worth the price if you’re a remote worker or digital nomad.



Step 7. Book Your Policy ASAP

The best time to book your policy is when you start paying for your trip. Flights, excursions, accommodation — once you start paying for those, you should buy your insurance plan. That way, should something happen before you depart, your cancellation insurance will kick in, and you won’t lose the money you’ve already paid.



It’s true that for most trips, you won’t need to use travel insurance. You’ll buy it, save the details in your inbox, and never look at it again.

But you’re OK until you aren’t, and when things aren’t okay, you’ll be glad you bought travel insurance. While most people consider it just medical coverage, it’s more than that. It’s “something bad happened to me” coverage that will be much cheaper than paying for an emergency.

Having been mugged, injured, and had my things lost and stolen, I know first-hand how difficult (and frustrating) it is dealing with unfortunate events abroad.

That’s why I never leave home without travel insurance. And I recommend that you don’t either. 
Matt Kepnes runs the award-winning travel site nomadicmatt.com, which helps people travel the world on a budget. He’s the author of the NYT best-seller How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and the travel memoir Ten Years a Nomad. His writings and advice have been featured in The New York Times, CNN, The Guardian, Afar, Budget Travel, BBC, Time, and countless other publications. You can follow him on Instagram at @nomadicmatt.


How To Pick A Good Travel Insurance Plan

Enjoy day tours to the extreme with the comfort of travel insurance.

What motivates you to travel? Get Wanderlust and Fuel Your Travel Motivation!

What motivates you to travel? Get Wanderlust and Fuel Your Travel Motivation!

what motivates you to travel

Travel is an incredible way to explore the world, expand your perspectives, and push yourself physically and mentally.

Everyone has their motivation for travelling – some seek out adventure and challenge themselves to new experiences, while others are searching for a sense of relaxation in nature or meaningful interactions with people from different cultures. Travel can be enriching, no matter what motivates you to step off that plane and get out into the wild.

In this blog post, we will look at what truly motivates each of us when it comes to travelling: our passions, dreams, ambition and curiosity; how these motivations vary between every person, as well as how striving towards these goals through exploring the world can broaden our horizons beyond belief!



What motivates you to travel

What motivates you to travel? Get Wanderlust and Fuel Your Travel Motivation!



What motivates you to travel? Get Wanderlust and Fuel Your Travel Motivation!

Could you please remember the following prompt: “What motivates you to travel?” This question inquires about the factors that drive an individual to embark on a journey, and your response to it would be greatly appreciated. Read on to find your inspiration. 


Curiosity – Discovering new cultures, customs, and ways of life

For some people, the idea of travel brings the allure of exotic locales, stunning landscapes, and new experiences. But what motivates those truly curious about the world is the opportunity to discover new cultures, customs, and ways of life.

Whether immersing yourself in a vibrant local market, exploring ancient ruins, or simply conversing with a stranger in a foreign language, travel can open your eyes to a world of diversity and possibility.

This sense of curiosity drives many of us to explore the far reaches of the globe, seeking out new experiences and expanding our understanding of what it means to be human.

So, what motivates you to travel? Is it the thrill of adventure, the desire for knowledge, or the joy of discovering something new? Whatever your reason, there’s no denying the transformative power of stepping outside your comfort zone and exploring all our world offers.



What motivates you to travel

Marvel at the culture and the Balinese dancers when travelling to Bali.



Adventure – Exploring different places and pushing your boundaries 

Embarking on an adventure is an exhilarating experience that takes you out of your comfort zone and challenges you to make your limits. Whether exploring the depths of an underwater cave or hiking up a mountain, adventure opens up endless possibilities for discovery and growth.

The feeling of excitement and anticipation that comes with exploring new places is unbeatable. It’s a chance to see the world through a different lens and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty of our planet.

Taking risks and trying new things can be scary, but it allows us to learn more about ourselves and our capabilities. So why not step out of your routine and embrace the thrill of adventure? You never know what unique experiences are waiting for you out there.



What motivates you to travel

Are you ready for an Overseas adventure? Find your motivation today. 



Relaxation – 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Between work, family obligations, and social commitments, there always needs to be more time to relax.

However, taking a break from the daily grind is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s spending an afternoon in nature, reading a good book, or simply meditating for a few minutes, relaxation can help to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and boost overall well-being.

So why take a step back and give yourself some much-needed time to unwind? Your body and mind will thank you for it.



Relax or swim. The choice is yours when seeking freedom and inspiration. 



Connections – Meeting new people and building relationships 

Meeting new people and building relationships is one of the most rewarding aspects of travelling. Whether striking up a conversation with a local or bonding with fellow travellers over a shared experience, connections made on the road can last a lifetime.

For many, what motivates them to travel in the first place is the opportunity to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Through these interactions, we gain new perspectives and insights, broadening our understanding of the world and our place in it.

So next time you hit the road, embrace the chance to meet new people and build lasting connections – you never know who you meet or what you learn.



travelling solo

I met the locals and connected when travelling. 



Learning – Acquiring knowledge about the world around you 

Learning is a lifelong process that never truly ends. Acquiring knowledge helps us better understand the world and enhances personal growth and development. Pursuing knowledge doesn’t have to be limited to the traditional classroom setting.

There are countless ways to learn about the world around us, whether through exploring nature, reading books, or engaging in meaningful conversations with people from all walks of life.

With each new piece of knowledge gained, we become better equipped to navigate the world’s complexities and engage with it meaningfully. In short, learning is a beautiful and enriching journey that has the power to transform both our understanding of the world and ourselves.



What motivates you to travel

Acquiring knowledge about the world around you is essential. 



Self-discovery – Reflecting on yourself through unique experiences

Self-discovery is integral to personal growth, and there’s no better way to achieve it than through unique experiences like travelling. Each journey is a chance to explore new cultures, meet different people, and reflect on oneself.

For some, the motivation to travel stems from a desire to break out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. For others, it’s about escape and seeking a new perspective on life. Whatever your reasons for travelling, your unique experiences can be powerful tools for self-reflection.

Whether trying new activities or immersing yourself in different lifestyles, each moment can teach you something new about yourself and help you discover what truly motivates you.


Angthong Marine Park

Self-discovery is essential when touring the globe. 



A Conclusion to What Motivates you to travel

Travelling is a beautiful way to expand your horizons and learn about what the world offers. It is a time for discovery, adventure, relaxation, connection, learning, and self-discovery. Whether your journey takes you halfway around the world or just across town, each experience is unique and special.

So why take some time for yourself and explore? Go local or go distant and create memories that you’ll always cherish. Learn about different cultures, find new adventures, relax with like-minded people, discover new ways of life – travel can open up so many opportunities if you are just willing to take it on!

Take action today and make your trip plans – it can be as simple as catching a bus or plane ride to somewhere nearby. Wherever you choose to go this year, make sure you make the most of your experiences!


What motivates you to travel

What motivates you to travel? Find our reason today. 

Why travel

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